Гос номера автомобилей в америке

В одном из самых автомобилизированных государств мира регистрационные номерные знаки имеют очень важное значение. Первые официальные номера были введены в США 25 апреля 1901 года в штате Нью-Йорк. Всех владельцев машин обязали зарегистрировать свои фамилии и адрес, а также описание автомобиля. Регистрация стоила 1 доллар, после чего вручалась табличка с инициалами владельца. В первый год было выдано 954 номера.

До 1920 года номера изготавливали из кожи, фарфора, резины и металла — главное, чтобы символы были контрастными с фоном таблички. После этого пластины очень сильно эволюционировали и представляют интерес коллекционеров всего мира. Я собираю американские номера машин и мотоциклов уже более 10 лет и в этой статье расскажу в подробностях о стандартах, видах, регистрации, креплению и персонализации автомобильных знаков США. В качестве бонуса таблица с дизайном 2019 года.

Украшение гаража американскими автономерами

Старые знаки часто используют в качестве декора


  • 1 Размеры номеров
  • 2 Форматы и специальные символы
  • 3 Плоский или выдавленный?
  • 4 Индивидуальные и специальные номера
  • 5 Профессиональные и правительственные номера
  • 6 Правила получения номерного знака в США
  • 7 Регистрация и продление — всё о наклейках
  • 8 Жизненный цикл номеров
  • 9 Крепление переднего и заднего номера
  • 10 Временные и транзитные номера
  • 11 Таблица дизайна по штатам (50 + 1)

Размеры номеров

В 1956 году Америка и Канада пришли к соглашению с Ассоциацией автопроизводителей, согласно которому стали изготавливаться номерные знаки 6 на 12 дюймов (15 на 30 см) для всех легковых автомобилей. Размеры могут незначительно отличаться в зависимости от завода изготовителя.

В Северной Америке только Сен-Пьер и Микелон не приняли эти стандарты (хотя на Северо-Западных территориях есть номер в форме белого медведя, вырезанный из стандартной прямоугольной пластины). Для мотоциклов, мопедов, некоторых типов прицепов и строительной техники делают знаки меньшего размера. Также в Пуэрто-Рико есть специальная европейская табличка.

Медведь Северных Территорий вырезан из стандартной пластины

Форматы и специальные символы

Буквенно-цифровые форматы номеров рассчитываются для предоставления достаточного количества уникальных комбинаций всем находящимся в штате автомобилям, которым необходима регистрация. Например, небольшие штаты Делавэр и Род-Айленд могут использовать форматы 123456, в то время как в Калифорнии используется семизначный формат 1ABC234, а в некоторых других густонаселенных штатах используются семисимвольные форматы ABC-1234 или AB-12345. Другие форматы включают систему кодирования округа или месяц истечения срока действия. Формат нумерации и дизайн номеров пассажирских автомобилей отличается от остального транспорта.

Большинство штатов создают индивидуальный стиль своему номеру. Дизайн содержит символы, цвета, лозунги, характеризующие жизнь населения. У некоторых штатов имеются несколько разных слоганов, но логотип или символ, как правило один и не меняется много лет. Для Вайоминга отличительным знаком служит ковбой, Вермонт делает свои таблички в зелёно белом цвете, Аляска предпочитает синий и жёлтый.

Три штата с самыми незначительными изменениями в дизайне с 1960-х годов — Делавэр, Колорадо, Миннесота.

Плоский или выдавленный?

Изначально номерные знаки изготавливались плоскими в различных формах, обычно прямоугольных. В 1930-х годах штаты обнаружили, что их легко выковать самостоятельно, и впоследствии начали выдавливать символы, чтобы предотвратить подделку.

Кроме основных символов была другая идентифицирующая информация: название места изготовления, класс транспортного средства, год выпуска. Для продления регистрации и изменения года сначала использовались металлические накладные фрагменты. Впоследствии регистрацию меняли наклейками, а вся остальная информация, кроме основных символов, стала плоской.

Сравнение плоского и выдавленного номера с одинаковым дизайном

С приходом современных технологий необходимость эмбоссирования потеряла актуальность. Постепенно штаты переходят на цифровую печать номеров. Для нас — коллекционеров это, несомненно, печальный факт, потому что в плоских табличках отсутствует та изюминка, которая была в старых выдавленных. Но цифровая печать позволяет сделать картинку более реалистичной, с высоким разрешением. И дизайнеры пользуются этим для создания всё более красивых знаков.

Таблица распределения технологий, используемых в разных штатах в 2019 году.

Для наглядности все штаты на карте.

Карта распределения передних и задних номеров Америки по штатам

Кликните на карту, чтобы рассмотреть названия поближе

В 2018 году в Калифорнии была запущена пилотная программа, в рамках которой город Сакраменто за дополнительную плату выпустил номерные знаки на цифровых дисплеях с батарейным питанием. Регистрационный номер отображается на экране электронной бумаги, который теоретически может обновляться для отображения различных сообщений. Номерной знак также оборудован маяком, который можно отследить в случае угона автомобиля.

Индивидуальные и специальные номера

В каждом из 50 штатов, а также в округе Колумбия автовладелец имеет право сделать себе персональный номер (vanity plate) с любой доступной комбинацией символов. Нельзя заказать номер с нецензурными словами, но формулировка непристойных значений различается в каждом штате.

Также запрещено использовать слова «NO PLATE», «MISSING», «NOTAG», «VOID», «NONE» и «XXXXXXX», по причине ошибок в системе распознавания.

Кроме букв и цифр в Калифорнии, например, можно разместить символ руки, сердца, звезды или знака плюс. В штатах Нью-Гэмпшир и Северная Каролина также доступны нестандартные символы. Десятая часть всех персональных табличек регистрируется в Вирджинии, которая предлагает более 200 разных дизайнов.

Персональный номерной знак Вирджинии

В штате Вирджиния выдается самое большое количество индивидуальных номеров

Интересно, что количество символов на табличке может влиять на цену, которую просят коллекционеры. Так три символа на номере Делавэра оцениваются в 50 000 долларов, два символа — 200 000 долларов, а один символ может стоить 400 000 долларов на аукционе. 

При заказе тематических знаков требуется предоставить документы, подтверждающие принадлежность к определённой группе. Например, ветеранам, инвалидам, радиолюбителям, пожарным, полицейским, индейцам, масонам. Во многих штатах дополнительная плата за такой знак не взимается.

Радиолюбители используют позывной на номере, но закон принимался ещё до повсеместного введения индивидуальных табличек, и для них действуют особые условия и скидки. Также они имеют право использовать одинаковые знаки на нескольких автомобилях, потому что позывной уникален по всей стране.

В некоторых штатах можно заказать себе специальные номера: с изображением природы, эмблемы университета, посвящённые какому-нибудь событию или юбилею. Средства от этих табличек уходят в соответствующие организации. Символы могут быть серийными или персональными.

Графические номера Монтаны

Графические номерные знаки стоят дороже стандартных

Профессиональные и правительственные номера

Различные ведомства имеют свои отличительные знаки, со специальным набором символов:

  1. Воружённые силы — некоторые подразделения могут вообще не иметь табличек, а только нанесенный на кузов идентификационный номер.
  2. Почтовая служба — аналогично военным может частично ездить без классических знаков.
  3. General Services Administration — управление общего обслуживания, изготавливает свои номера в стандартном формате.
  4. Транспортные средства USPS — начинаются с буквы “P”.

Часто дизайн профессиональных табличек не отличается от остальных, и узнать их можно по специальным порядкам нумерации или обозначениям типа «government», «official», «state owned», «municipal», or «exempt», что означает освобождение от налогов.

Правительственный номерной знак США

Правительственные автомобили имеют номера особого формата.

Многие штаты выдают такие таблички представителям определённых профессий, которым требуются льготы или привилегии (парковка, проезд за полицейскими): пресса, врачи, медсёстры, фельдшеры, пожарные, судьи, некоторые должностные лица.

Отдельной категорией идут дипломатические номера, которые выдаются государственным департаментом США в Нью-Йорке и округе Колумбия. Они имеют формат “S LL NNNN”, где первой буквой идёт статус владельца, далее страна, а следом четырёхзначный код. Члены ООН получают знаки с зеркальным отображением символов “NNNN LL S”.

Дипломатический американский номер

Дипломатический номерной знак

Правила получения номерного знака в США

В Соединённых Штатах номера выдаются департаментом транспортных средств (DMV, аналог МРЭО, но не относится к полиции), агентством правительства штата или округа, в случае с Округом Колумбия. Дипломатические знаки выпускает Федеральное правительство.

Порядок получения такой:

  1. Посещаете отдел автотранспорта (DMV) в вашем районе. Можно осуществить процедуру по почте, загрузив форму из интернета, однако, предоставив документы лично, вы получите номерные знаки в тот же день.
  2. Предоставляете подтверждение права собственности.
  3. Заполняете заявку на получение свидетельства о праве собственности, которое называется Тайтл (Title).
  4. Предоставляете акт осмотра ТС. Сертифицированная инспекция проверяет тонировку, клиренс и другие стандартные требования для автомобилей.
  5. Показываете чек (Bill of Sale). С этой суммы вы заплатите налог.
  6. Оплачиваете соответствующие сборы. Получаете номерные знаки.

При покупке у дилера вся процедура выполняется в автосалоне.

Регистрация и продление — всё о наклейках

На заре автомобилестроения номера выпускались каждый год. Позже американское правительство решило прекратить расточительство и внедрило наклейки.

В США ежегодный денежный сбор с владельца транспорта неразрывно связан с номерным знаком. Это примерно как в России техосмотр, налог и страховка вместе взятые. По номеру гаишник определяет все ли ежегодные процедуры прошла машина: осмотр на предмет соответствия нормативам выбросов из выхлопной трубы, страховка и т. п. Также старая наклейка может свидетельствовать о неоплаченных дорожных и парковочных билетах или угоне автомобиля.

Наклейки изготавливаются из винила с очень крепким клеящим слоем — их практически невозможно оторвать. Андрей Герасимов 10 лет назад в своём блоге написал, что некоторые ушлые американцы всё же воруют чужие наклейки, поэтому дилер рекомендовал ему специально порезать их ножом для защиты. Примечательно, что после прочтения этой заметки я и увлёкся изучением американских номерных знаков. 

Зачем режут наклейки на номерах США

Пример защиты наклеек на номере Миссури — они порезаны канцелярским ножом

В разных штатах клеят один или два стикера, которые обозначают год и месяц. Также на них выбивается серийный номер, по которому можно определить принадлежность к конкретному авто. Для удобства стражей правопорядка применяется кодирование цветом стикера с годом. Если гаишник заметит «неправильный» цвет, он сразу смотрит на месяц — просроченные наклейки — повод остановить машину.

Регистрационные наклейки Техаса

Каждый год цвет наклеек меняется для удобства распознавания просроченной регистрации

В округе Колумбия подтверждающая наклейка помещается под ветровое стекло. Она также служит разрешением для парковки жителей района.

Жизненный цикл номеров

Согласно законодательству США, если вы переезжаете в другой штат с намерением остаться на неопределенный срок, вы обязаны зарегистрировать транспортное средство в этом штате, после чего вам выдаются новые номера. Исключение составляют военнослужащие, проходящие военную службу и студенты бакалавриата, посещающие колледж или университет за пределами штата, в котором они проживают.

При продаже автомобиля, в зависимости от закона конкретного штата, номерные знаки могут передаваться вместе с машиной новому владельцу или остаться у продавца, который за определенную плату переносит таблички и неиспользованную регистрацию на новый автомобиль. Некоторые штаты выпускают новый знак после каждой продажи авто.

Существуют разные схемы переоформления номерных знаков, называемые «replating». В первом случае номера выдаются один раз и меняются только по просьбе автовладельца. В других штатах они обновляются после достижения определённого возраста. Иногда знаки аннулируются для перевыпуска с новым дизайном. Это может происходить на регулярной основе или спонтанно. Часто в определенном штате в данный момент действует только один конкретный дизайн или серия.

Крепление переднего и заднего номера

В Америке нет единого закона, по которому автовладелец должен вешать оба номера спереди и сзади. Отчасти это связано с тем, что часть производителей авто не выпускают креплений для переднего номера.

Законы могут не распространяться на транспорт принадлежащий дилеру или правительству, а также коммерческих или исторических автомобилей.

В исключение попадают мотоциклы и прицепы, для которых выдаётся только задняя табличка.

Для наглядности размещаю таблицу по штатам, которая поможет понять при покупке б/у знаков, существует ли пара к номеру того штата, который вы решили приобрести.

В каких штатах нужны передние номера

Временные и транзитные номера

Автомобиль, купленный у дилера всегда будет иметь временную регистрацию с соответствующими номерными знаками. Это делается для удобства перемещения машины к месту эксплуатации. Времянка будет висеть на авто до тех пор пока местный филиал DMV не обработает информацию о покупке и не выдаст вам постоянные номера.

Вы можете купить авто в одном штате и перевести его в другой с иными законами. В этом случае выдаются транзитные таблички, позволяющие управлять машиной до момента регистрации по месту жительства.

Транзитные и временные таблички

Временные номерные знаки США

Временные и транзитные знаки бывают:

  • бумажными, картонными, пластиковыми, которые следует заменить постоянными через 15, 30 или 45 дней;
  • стандартными металлическими с временной наклейкой, в этом случае вам будет выдан новый стикер;
  • в виде бланка или наклейки на лобовое стекло.

В 2019 году Калифорния приняла закон о временных знаках. Раньше на машинах этого штата в течение месяца и более после покупки, могли находиться стандартные дилерские таблички с рекламой или вообще ничего. Калифорния была единственным штатом, с таким послаблением. Это создавало проблемы. Водители пользовались лазейкой в законе, чтобы ездить без оплаты по мостам и платным дорогам, а камеры не могли распознать их. Ситуацию усугубил смертельный случай с пешеходом, где не удалось найти виновника. После этого закон был изменён.

Таблица дизайна по штатам (50 + 1)

Для наглядности я предлагаю посмотреть вам стандартный вид номеров, выдаваемых в 2019 году по каждому штату. Расположены они по английскому алфавиту, в конце округ Колумбия.

Фото Название штата и описание
1 Алабама (Alabama)

Слоган: Сердце Дикси (Heart of Dixie)

Форматы: 12A3BCD (на фото) и другие

(в начале коды округов)

Выпускается с 2022 года

2 Аляска (Alaska)

Лозунг: Последняя граница (Last Frontier)

Серийный формат: ABC 123

Выпуск с января 2010 года

3 Аризона (Arizona)

Лозунг: Штат Великого Каньона (Grand Canyon State)

Формат: ABC1234

Выпускается с 2008 года

4 Арканзас (Arkansas)

Лозунг: Естественный штат (The Natural State)

Формат: 123 ABC

Выпускается с 2006 года

5 Калифорния (California)

Надпись: dmv.ca.gov

Формат: 1ABC123

Выпускается с 2011 года

6 Колорадо (Colorado)

Формат: ABC-D12

Выпускается с 2018 года

7 Коннектикут (Connecticut)

Слоган: Штат конституции (Constitution State)

Формат: AB·12345

Выпускается с 2015 года

8 Делавэр (Delaware)

Слоган: Первый штат (The First State)

Формат: 123456

Выпускается с 2008 года

9 Флорида (Florida)

Лозунги: Солнечный штат (Sunshine State)

Верим в Бога (In God We Trust)

Форматы: AB1 2CD


Z12 3BC

Выпускается с 1 октября 2008 года

10 Джорджия (Georgia)

Слоган: Персиковый штат (Peach State на дизайне с персиковым деревом)

Формат: ABC1234

Выпускается с мая 2012 года

11 Гавайи (Hawaii)

Слоган: Аллоха штат (Aloha State)

Формат: ABC 123

Выпускается с 1991 года

12 Айдахо (Idaho)

Слоган: Знаменитый картофель (Famous Potatoes)

Формат: 10B A123

Выпускается с 2008 года

13 Иллинойс (Illinois)

Лозунг: Земля Линкольна (Land of Lincoln)

Формат: AB 12345

Выпускается с января 2017 года

14 Индиана (Indiana)

Форматы: 123A



Выпускается с 2017 года

15 Айова (Iowa)

В качестве лозунга выступает название округа

Формат: ABC 123

Выпускается с апреля 2018 года

16 Канзас (Kansas)

Формат: 123 ABC

Выпускается с плоскими символами с 15 августа 2018 года

17 Кентукки (Kentucky)

Слоганы: Штат Мятлика (Bluegrass State)

Необузданный дух (Unbridled Spirit)

На Бога уповаем (In God We Trust — альтернатива с 2011)

Формат: A1B234

Выпускается плоским с 2023 года в двух вариантах

18 Луизиана (Louisiana)

Слоган: Рай спортсмена (Sportsman’s Paradise)

Формат: 123 ABC

Выпускается с января 2016 на базе макета 2005-2011 годов

19 Мэн (Maine)

Лозунг: Vacationland

Формат: 1234 AB

Выпускается с 1999 года

20 Мэриленд (Maryland)

Слоган: Гордый Мэриленд (Maryland Proud)

Формат: 1AB2345

Выпускается с 26 сентября 2016 года

21 Массачусетс (Massachusetts)

Лозунг: Дух Америки (The Spirit of America)

10 различных форматов с одним и тем же дизайном

Выпускается с 1993 года

22 Мичиган (Michigan)

Надпись: michigan.org

Формат: ABC 1234

Выпускается с апреля 2013 года

23 Миннесота (Minnesota)

Слоган: 10 000 озёр (10,000 Lakes)

Формат: ABC 123

Выпускается с 2017 года

24 Миссисипи (Mississippi)

Вместо лозунга используется название округа

Формат: ABC 1234

Выпускается с января 2019 года

25 Миссури (Missouri)

Юбилейный с надписью: Двухсотлетие (Bicentennial) 1821 * 2021

Формат: AA1 B2C (месячная кодировка)

Выпускается с 15 октября 2018 года

26 Монтана (Montana)

Слоганы: Страна Большого Неба (Big Sky Country)

Штат сокровищ (Treasure state)

Формат: 1 -12345A

10 -1234A


Выпускается на базе дизайна 2006-2009 года

27 Небраска (Nebraska)

Надпись: 1867 * 2017

Формат:ABC 123 (Округи Douglas, Lancaster, Sarpy)




10-AB12 (остальные округи)

Выпускается с января 2017 года

28 Невада (Nevada)

Слоган: Дом значит Невада (Home Means Nevada)

Формат: 123·A45

Выпускается с 1 ноября 2016 года

29 Нью-Хемпшир (New Hampshire)

Лозунг: Живи свободным или умри (Live Free or Die)

Формат: 123 4567

Выпускается с 1999 года

30 Нью-Джерси (New Jersey)

Слоган: Штат садов (Garden State)

Формат: A12-BCD

Выпускается с апреля 2014 года

31 Нью-Мексико (New Mexico)

Лозунги: Земля Очарования (Land of Enchantment — округи yucca, turquoise, chile)

Чили — столица мира (Chile Capital of the World — только chile)

Формат: 123-ABC (yucca)

ABC-123 (turquoise)

ABCD12 (chile)

32 Нью-Йорк (New York)

Слоган: EXCELSIOR. Латинское слово, означающее «всё выше», иногда используется в английском языке как междометие. На номере изображён Ниагарский водопад и вид на город.

Формат: ABC-1234

Выпускается с июня 2020 года

33 Северная Каролина (North Carolina)

Слоган: Первые в полёте (First in Flight, стандарт)

Первые в свободе (First in Freedom, альтернативный вариант)

Формат: ABC-1234

Выпускается с июля 2015 года

34 Северная Дакота (North Dakota)

Лозунги: Легендарная Северная Дакота (Legendary North Dakota)

Штат Мировых Садов (Peace Garden State)

Формат: 123 ABC

Выпускается с ноября 2016 года

35 Огайо (Ohio)

Надпись: Место рождения авиации (Birthplace of Aviation) сверху на развивающейся ленте

Формат: ABC 1234

Выпускается с 2022 года

36 Оклахома (Oklahoma)

Слоганы: Исследуй Оклахому (Explore Oklahoma)


Формат: ABC-123

Выпускается с января 2017 года

37 Орегон (Oregon)

Формат: 123 ABC

Выпускается с 2004 года

38 Пенсильвания (Pennsylvania)

Надпись: visitPA.com

Формат: ABC-1234

Изготавливается с июня 2017 года

Стикер отсутствует, электронная проверка

39 Род Айленд (Rod Island)

Слоган: Штат Океана (Ocean State)

Форматы: 1-AB 234

Выпускается с 2022 года

40 Южная Каролина (South Carolina)

Лозунг: Пока дышу, надеюсь (While I Breathe, I Hope)

Формат: ABC 123

Выпускается с февраля 2016 года

41 Южная Дакота (South Dakota)

Слоган: Великие Лица. Великие Места. (Great Faces. Great Places.)

Форматы: 1A1 234

1AB 123

10A 123 (первые цифры в зависимости от округа)

Выпускаются с января 2016 года

42 Теннесси (Tennessee) Обновлённый дизайн 2022 г.

Формат: ABC-1234

Лозунг: Штат добровольцев (The Volunteer State) размещён в левом верхнем углу.

Фраза Уповаем на Бога (In God We Trust) в центре.

Снизу адрес сайта tnvacacation.com

Старый дизайн выпускался с апреля 2016 и с июля 2017 го по 2022 год.

43 Техас (Texas)

Лозунг: Штат Одинокой Звезды (The Lone Star State)

Формат: ABC-1234

Выпускается с июля 2012 года

44 Юта (Utah)

Слоганы: Мы верим в Бога / Мы едины (In God We Trust / United We Stand)

Формат: 1A2BC

Выпускается с апреля 2018 года

45 Вермонт (Vermont)

Лозунг: Штат зеленых гор (Green Mountain State)

Формат: ABC 123

Выпускается с 1 января 1990 года

46 Виргиния (Virginia)

Лозунг: Вирджиния для влюбленных (Virginia is for Lovers)

Формат: ABC-1234

Выпускается с марта 2014 года

47 Вашингтон (Washington)

Слоган: Вечнозелёный штат (Evergreen State)

Формат: ABC1234

Выпускается с 1 января 2010 года

48 Западная Виргиния (West Virginia)

Слоган: Дикий, Замечательный (Wild, Wonderful)

Форматы: 0 AB 123

0 1A 123

A AB 123

A 1A 123

(с кодировкой по месяцам)

Выпускается с 2006 года

49 Висконсин (Wisconsin)

Слоган: Молочная Земля Америки (America’s Dairyland)

Формат: ABC-1234

Выпускается с апреля 2017 года

50 Вайоминг

Форматы: 1 -12345

1 / 0 -12345

(первые цифры зависят от округа)

Выпускается с января 2016 года

51 Округ Колумбия (Washington, DC)

Лозунг: Прекратить налогообложение без представительства (End Taxation Without Representation)

Формат: AB 1234

Выпускается с апреля 2017 года

Предлагаю обсудить столь интересные и разнообразные пластины из Америки. Скажите, какие штаты и года вам больше нравятся, что коллекционируете, про какие номера хотели бы увидеть больше информации? Пожалуйста, в случае нахождения неточностей или ошибок в статье, пишите в комментариях достоверные источники.

In the United States, vehicle registration plates, known as license plates, are issued by a department of motor vehicles, an agency of the state or territorial government, or in the case of the District of Columbia, the district government.[1] Some Native American tribes also issue plates.[2] The U.S. federal government issues plates only for its own vehicle fleet and for vehicles owned by foreign diplomats. Until the 1980s, diplomatic plates were issued by the state in which the consulate or embassy was located.

The appearances of plates are frequently chosen to contain symbols, colors, or slogans associated with the issuing jurisdiction.[3] The term license plate is frequently used in statutes, although in some areas tag is informally used.[1] The official three letter DSIT (coinciding with its ISO code) international code attributed to the United States is USA.[4]

As of 2014, the federal government and forty states use prison labor to produce their license plates.[5]

Designs and serial formats[edit]

Serial formats[edit]

Plate designs often contain symbols, colors, or slogans associated with the issuing jurisdiction.[3] Registration number formats, typically alphanumeric, are designed to provide enough unique numbers for all motor vehicles a jurisdiction expects to register. For example, the small states of Delaware and Rhode Island are able to use formats of 123456, while California uses the seven-character format 1ABC234, and several other populous states use seven-character ABC-1234 or AB-12345 formats. Other formats include those that incorporate a county coding system (e.g. Vehicle registration plates of Idaho) or a month of expiration into the plate number.

Non-passenger vehicle plates tend to have a separate design, including a special numbering format.


In the United States, many states distinguish their license plates through distinctive color schemes and logos, which persist over time.[3] For example, the cowboy logo often associated with the state of Wyoming has appeared on that state’s license plates continuously since 1936. Some early Tennessee plates were produced in a parallelogram shape approximating that of the state. Arizona has had the slogan «Grand Canyon State» on its license plates since 1939. Illinois has had the slogan “Land of Lincoln” on its license plates since 1954. North Carolina has had the slogan “First in Flight” on its license plates since 1982.

Vermont license plates have frequently featured a green and white color scheme, while Alaska has preferred yellow and blue. Other states and territories, such as California and Virginia, offer simpler schemes, often with a white background and little decoration.

Florida, Indiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina,[6] Tennessee and Virginia have placed the address of the state’s official or tourism web site on their general issue plates. Most plates in the District of Columbia contain the phrase «Taxation without representation» to highlight the District’s lack of a voting representative in Congress.

As of 2023, the four oldest plate designs in use – each with slight to moderate cosmetic changes since inception – are that of Delaware (in production since 1959), Colorado (since 1960, continuously since 1978), the District of Columbia (since 1975) and Minnesota (since 1978).[7]

Printing of registration number[edit]

Visualization of the current license plate serial printing formats in the United States as of 2023:

  States issue plates where the license serial is screened

  States issue plates where most license serials are embossed, but some are screened

  States issue plates where the license serial is embossed

  States issue plates where the license serial is debossed

Typically, the registration number is embossed – or, more rarely, impressed – onto the license plate. Other identifying information, such as the name of the issuing jurisdiction and the vehicle class, can be either surface-printed or embossed; Virginia, for example, does the former for passenger cars and the latter for most non-passenger vehicles. However, it is increasingly common in the U.S. for the registration number to be surface-printed using digital printing technology. Colorado, Hawaii, Mississippi, Missouri, New York, Oregon, and Washington do so only for certain types of license plates, such as vanity plates and special issues; Alabama, Arizona, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Jersey, North Dakota, Ohio, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, West Virginia, Wyoming, and the District of Columbia have switched to the so-called flat-plate technology for all their license plates with West Virginia being the latest, changing in July 2023. Nevada formerly issued flat plates but has returned to making embossed plates.[8] Delaware license plates have not been embossed for several decades. Wyoming normally issues flat plates but also issues embossed license plates for an extra fee.

In 2018, California started a pilot program in which the city of Sacramento issued license plates on battery-powered digital displays, for an extra fee. The registration number is displayed on an electronic paper screen that can theoretically update itself to display different messages. The license plate itself is also equipped with a beacon that can be tracked in case the car associated with the plate is stolen.[9]

License plates originally were not embossed, but were merely flat plates in various forms, typically rectangular. In the 1930s the states found that the plates could be easily forged, and subsequently began embossing plates to thwart counterfeiting.[citation needed]

Plate sizes[edit]

In 1956, U.S. states and Canadian provinces came to an agreement with the Automobile Manufacturers Association that fixed the size of all passenger vehicle plates at 6 by 12 inches (150 by 300 mm), with mounting holes spaced 7 inches (180 mm), although the dimensions may vary slightly by jurisdiction. In North America, only Saint Pierre and Miquelon (a French overseas territory) has not adopted these standards, as they use French/European standards instead (although the Northwest Territories has a plate shaped like a polar bear that is cut out of a standard rectangular plate). Smaller-sized plates are used for motorcycles and, in some jurisdictions, mopeds and certain types of trailers and construction equipment. Motorcycle plates are not standardized but have mostly come to be 4 by 7 inches (100 by 180 mm) in nearly every state by the 1980s, with the exception of Minnesota, which still uses 4+316 by 7+316 inches (106 by 183 mm),[10] with the most recent state to change being Maryland in 2008, which was previously 4+12 by 7 inches (110 by 180 mm).[11] Furthermore, the US territory of Puerto Rico issues European sized plates for an extra fee.

Showing current registration on plates[edit]

Line for automobile license plates, Los Angeles California Department of Motor Vehicles, 1940

Historically, license plates were replaced every year. Today, the most common practice is to issue new validation stickers every year or two, to indicate that the vehicle registration is still valid.[1]

Expired vehicle registrations may attract the attention of law enforcement, because indicators of an expired plate, such as an old or invalid sticker, give officers probable cause to lawfully initiate a traffic stop.[12] A delinquent registration tag is often an indicator that the vehicle’s owner has failed to comply with the applicable law regarding emission inspection or insurance or that the vehicle’s owner has unpaid traffic or parking tickets.[12] Most states historically required all license plates to be replaced every few years; that practice is being abandoned by many states because of the expense of continually producing large numbers of plates. Washington stopped the practice of mandatory replacement in 2015.[13] Maryland previously mandated that all license plates be replaced every five years (except for apportioned trailers, which were registered on an eight-year schedule), but has not done so since 1986.

In jurisdictions that use validation stickers on the plate, the month and year of expiration may be separated into two decals, or issued in a single sticker.[3] For example, North Carolina previously issued separate month and year decals, but recently switched to a single sticker.[14] In others, such as Texas, the plate’s validation is a decal displayed from the inside of the windshield. The colors of plate stickers and windshield decals often change annually, to support enforcement of registration laws.[3]

Most validation stickers are either serialized (with the serial number recorded on the registration), or are printed by a special printer at the time of registration or renewal with the vehicle’s license plate number on them to discourage fraudulent sticker use, as the sticker will be valid only for the plate for which it was intended.[3] In the District of Columbia, the license plate is validated with a windshield sticker that indicates the expiration date in MM/DD/YY format, the license plate number, the year and make of vehicle, and part of the vehicle identification number, allowing easier fraud detection, in addition to serving as a parking permit for neighborhood residents.[15]

New York, Texas, and the District of Columbia use windshield stickers exclusively, rather than plate stickers, for most vehicle classes. Their registration stickers include the month and year of expiration (and, in the District of Columbia, the day) in large type, so that an expired registration windshield sticker is obvious. In 2015, Texas eliminated the requirement to display a windshield vehicle inspection decal with the registration. Connecticut switched to windshield stickers in September 2006, and in August 2010, eliminated registration stickers completely, primarily to reduce costs.[16] New Jersey required the use of plate decals for a few years, beginning with November 2000 expiration dates, but has not required them on passenger cars since October 1, 2004. New Jersey passenger vehicles do not display any registration information other than the license plate itself.

Pennsylvania issued validation stickers for Philadelphia residents that were displayed in the lower left corner of cars’ rear windows for a few years to thwart sticker theft from plates; the practice ended in late 2003 with the last issued stickers bearing January 2005 expirations. As of January 2017, Pennsylvania no longer issues any registration stickers.[17]

In Hawaii, counties compete over the cost of vehicle registration dues. Vehicles are purchased at a discount on Oʻahu compared to the neighboring islands where there is usually only one dealer per vehicle make. Because the outlying counties issue plates starting with M (Maui County), K (Kauaʻi), or H (Big Island of Hawaiʻi), the source of the vehicle can be identified.

In Michigan, Minnesota, and Washington state, license plate registration stickers are often called «tabs.»

Life cycle[edit]

Under state laws, when a person moves to a new state with the intent to remain indefinitely, they are required to register personal vehicles in the new state.[1] The new state will then issue a plate or plates that must be attached to the vehicle.[1] One significant exception is active duty military service members; under federal law, they do not change their legal residence (domicile) upon moving to a new posting and are not obliged to obtain new vehicle registrations. Undergraduate students attending college or university in a state outside their state of legal residence are also typically exempted from transferring their registration, while graduate students are typically not exempt.[18][19][20][21][22] Louisiana does not extend this privilege to leased vehicles used by students, and requires local registration.[23]
[24] A few other states, such as New York, allow, although do not require, out-of-state students to register their vehicles in state.[25]

When a vehicle is sold, the disposition of the license plates depends on state law and varies by state. In some states, license plates are transferred with the vehicle to its new owner. In other states, the license plates remain with the seller, who may, for a fee, transfer the license plates and any unused portion of the current registration to a new vehicle. Some states issue a new plate whenever the car is sold.[26]

There are different schemes for reissuing license plates, a process known as «replating». In some jurisdictions, plates are issued on a permanent basis and are not replaced unless the owner requests a new plate or a remake of the current plate if the jurisdiction offers remakes. Other jurisdictions re-plate on a rolling basis, replacing a particular motorist’s plate when it reaches a certain age. Still other jurisdictions may recall a particular series of plates for reissuance at regular or irregular intervals. This is particularly common in jurisdictions in which only one license plate series or design is valid at any given time. Optional-issue plates may or may not follow the same rules for replacement as standard-issue plates, depending on the jurisdiction.[27][28] New plates may also be required when the existing plates are so physically degraded as to be illegible.[29] Some states with county coding such as Nebraska or Mississippi may use replating to reset a format to prevent it from being exhausted.

In North Carolina in 2006, the legislature voted to require over 500,000 older plates to be recalled and replaced when a new design was introduced in 2007.[30]


Current license plate mounting requirements in the United States as of August 2022:

  Only rear plates required

  Front and rear plates required

  Front and rear plates generally required, with exceptions

For passenger vehicle registrations, U.S. states require vehicles to display either one or two license plates (e.g., at the rear of the vehicle only or on the front and rear).[a] In states that require two plates, limited exceptions may exist that allow for only a single plate to be displayed, such as for registration of commercial vehicles, government owned vehicles, diplomatic owned vehicles, dealer owned vehicles, or historic vehicles.[31] In states like Missouri and California, two-plate jurisdictions, certain truck registrations actually require a single plate to be displayed, on the front of the vehicle only, leaving the rear with no license plate,[32] while in California vehicles with occupational plates (dealers, dismantlers, etc.) only require one plate on the rear of a vehicle that would otherwise require two plates.[33]

Mounting scheme States and territories
Front and rear plates American Samoa, California, Colorado, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Guam,[34] Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Northern Mariana Islands, Oregon, Rhode Island, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virgin Islands, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin
Rear plates only Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee, West Virginia
Front and rear plates for most vehicles Massachusetts, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, South Dakota, Wyoming

Some common exceptions include trailers, which are issued only one plate, even in states that otherwise issue two plates to all passenger vehicles, while certain other non-passenger types, such as apportioned, may be issued in pairs even in states that otherwise issue only rear plates to passenger vehicles. Pennsylvania, for example, requires a front plate for semi-trailer trucks.[35] Some vanity and specialty plates in Arizona and Kansas are issued in pairs, but only the rear plate is required on the vehicle; the front plate is free and fully optional.

In January 2012, the Texas legislature inadvertently removed the penalty for driving without a front license plate. As a result, the law required front and rear license plates on passenger vehicles, but stated no penalty for non compliance. Realizing the mistake, the legislature eventually reinstated the $200 fine in September 2013.[36]

Massachusetts is a unique case for license plate mounting as, under state law, motorists with Massachusetts registrations must display all plates issued to them.[37] Before the introduction of the current «Spirit of America» base starting in 1986 for commercial vehicles, as well as vanity plates in 1988 for all other vehicles, the state issued only a single green-on-white plate to be mounted on the rear bumper. With the current-issue base, two plates are issued and are to be mounted on both the front and rear bumpers. In 2017, an estimated 900,000 drivers had plates on the green-on-white base.[38]

In Nevada, all motor vehicles, with the exception of motorcycles and trailers, are issued two license plates. According to state law, most standard passenger vehicles issued two plates are required to display them on both the front and rear bumpers of the vehicle. Display of the front license plate, however, is optional for vehicles that either were not designed to have a front plate, or the manufacturer did not provide a plate bracket or other means for front display of a license plate.[39] As a result, the law to display both the front and rear plates is rarely enforced, and it is not uncommon for owners of vehicles with Nevada license plates to remove the manufacturer-supplied front license plate brackets from their vehicles and display only the rear plate.[40] In 2015, the Wyoming State Legislature amended state law, similar to Nevada, to remove the requirement that a front license plate be displayed on vehicles that either are not specifically designed to have a front plate, or the manufacturer did not provide a plate bracket or other means for front display of a license plate.[41] The Nebraska Legislature amended state law in a similar manner in 2016.[42] In 2017, the Montana State Legislature also amended state law in a similar manner, exempting such passenger vehicles from displaying a front plate but requiring motorists to first obtain approval from the Montana Highway Patrol.[43]

South Dakota will issue passenger vehicles a single rear plate for a $25 fee, but only if the vehicle will be driven less than 6,000 miles (9,700 km) every year.[44]

In 2016, the Iowa General Assembly attempted to pass a law that exempts «vintage» vehicles and two-seat, low-profile sports cars, like Corvettes, from the front license plate requirement. Originally, the bill was meant to repeal the front license plate requirement for all vehicles, but was amended as a compromise.[45] The bill was later withdrawn.[46]

In April 2019, the Ohio General Assembly amended state law to require the display of only a rear license plate starting in July 2020, marking the first time since World War II that Ohio has not had front plates.[47][48]

In 2022, the Alaska State Legislature passed a law stating only one license plate would be issued per vehicle. [49]

Temporary and transit registrations[edit]

A temporary 30-day license plate on a motorcycle in North Carolina

When a person buys a vehicle from a dealer, the dealer is typically authorized to issue a temporary registration to allow the buyer to drive the vehicle until the government agency in charge of vehicle registration processes the registration forms.

Similarly, when a person buys a vehicle outside their state or province of residence, they can usually obtain a «transit registration» from the authorities of the state or province where the purchase took place. This transit registration will allow the new owner to drive the vehicle and to properly register and obtain license plates for the vehicle from their state or province of residence.

The physical indicia of such temporary or transit registrations can take a variety of forms, such as:

  • a paper, cardboard, or lightweight plastic license plate, to be removed at the end of the temporary registration period (typically a set number of days, e.g., 15, 30, or 45 days);
  • a standard metal license plate with temporary validation, in which case the government agency needs to issue only a validation sticker rather than a license plate; or
  • a form or decal to be applied to a window of the vehicle.

Vanity and specialty plates[edit]

Vanity plates[edit]

A KSTREET license plate from Washington, D.C.

In each of the 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia, motorists are given the option of extra-cost vanity plates (also known as personalized or prestige plates), which are license plates with a custom serial (sequence of letters and/or numbers). Generally, vanity plates may not contain profane or obscene messages, although standards as to what constitutes an unacceptable message vary widely among issuing jurisdictions. Namely, the state of Maine has no censorship of vanity plates at all, provided they do not promote hate or violence. In California, motorists may order symbols – a heart, hand, plus sign, or star – on one type of specialty plate. Other states, such as New Hampshire and North Carolina, also permit the use of certain punctuation symbols. The state of Virginia offers more than 200 unique designs for license plates.[50] A tenth of all U.S. vanity plates are in Virginia (which has 1.6 million vanity plate registrations), giving it the highest concentration of vanity plates issued by a state.[51]

Certain classes of vanity plates may require proof of authorization, such as a person obtaining an amateur radio plate with their call sign must show their amateur radio license. Persons obtaining disabled veteran or Medal of Honor or Purple Heart medal recipients must show proof of their disability and military service or their award of the specific medal, respectively.

Vanity plates sometimes cause unexpected difficulties for their owners which contains messages that are otherwise default filler text in state and federal computer systems. In 1979, a Los Angeles resident received 2,500 parking citations from throughout the state because the DMV’s computers matched his plate, “NULL», with citations for cars without license plates. Other such cases have been reported for plates that say «MISSING», «NOTAG», «VOID», «NONE» and «XXXXXXX».[52]

Vanity plate lawsuits[edit]

Restrictions in the messages allowed on vanity plates have led to some major court cases. In 2001, Paula Perry, a state administrator, sued the Vermont DMV when her plate, SHTHPNS, was recalled.[53] In another case from New Hampshire, the state attempted to recall the plate «PB4WEGO», but the owner of the plates successfully appealed.[54]

Low-digit plates[edit]

Delaware’s three-digit plates can bring $50,000 and two-digit plates can bring upwards of $400,000.[55][56] These estimates have sometimes been exceeded: in 2008, plate number 6 brought $675,000 at auction,[57][58] and in 2018, plate number 20 fetched $410,000 at auction.[57][59] Bids have come from around the world, even though only drivers with Delaware licenses and residency can legally own the plates.[57]

In Rhode Island, license plates with low serial numbers have been distributed by politicians and have become known as status symbols.[60] The Rhode Island Governor’s office instituted an official lottery for so-called «preferred plates» in 1995.[61]

Low-digit, all-numeric plates are also available in Massachusetts, Illinois, and Washington, D.C. In these places, low-digit plates are seen as status symbols.[62] In Illinois, as in Rhode Island, low-digit plates can also be distributed by politicians.[63]

Specialty plates[edit]

A collection of specialty license plates in Florida

In some jurisdictions, vehicle owners may also pay extra for specialty plates. With these, the plate serial is chosen by the licensing agency – as with regular plates – but the owners select a plate design that is different from the normal license plate. For example, an alumnus or student of a university or college might purchase a plate with the school’s logo, or an outdoorsman might decide to pay extra for a plate depicting a nature scene. A portion of the extra cost of these license plates often ends up as a donation for a related school or non-profit organization.

Some jurisdictions allow for some or all of their specialty plates to also be vanity plates, usually for an additional fee on top of the cost of the plate.

States may also provide commemorative plates as a standard issue, for example for a state’s 100th or 125th anniversary.


This section needs to be updated. Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. (August 2015)

Normally such specialty plates can be purchased without proof of any particular status or affiliation, exceptions being plates which indicate membership or abilities of use in an emergency (e.g., firefighter, police, EMT, amateur radio operator). Also, some states require that university or college plates be ordered through alumni associations. Other specialty plates include those for motorists with specific accomplishments or backgrounds; for example, a veteran who was a prisoner of war or a Purple Heart recipient may obtain a POW or Purple Heart specialty plate, respectively, after presenting documentation of his or her status to the registrar. In many jurisdictions, there is no charge (or at least no extra charge) for such a plate, in recognition of the veteran’s service.

Because specialty plates are government issued, they are required under First Amendment issues to be issued as a type to any group or organization that qualifies under the same terms as any other group to be issued a type of plate. The State of Maryland was going to revoke permission for use of the Confederate flag from a certain plate by the Sons of Confederate Veterans, but a court ruled that the only way the state could do that was to revoke permission on all specialty plates.
All U.S. states offer specialized license plates for licensed amateur radio operators, in many cases at no extra charge or at a discount compared to standard vanity plates. In some states statutes regarding amateur radio plates were enacted decades prior to vanity plate programs.[64] Among the stated reasons in various state statutes for providing special amateur radio plates are to recognize amateur radio operators for their service,[65] and to enhance visibility of amateur radio operators in an emergency.[66] The owner’s radio call sign is used instead of a standard-issue serial. Texas allows radio amateurs to have their call sign on the license plates of multiple vehicles that they own, in effect allowing more than one vehicle to share the same license plate number.[67] As Amateur Radio call signs are standardized under the FCC and internationally under the ITU, it is highly plausible such registrations would not just be unique in the issuing state, but rather the entire country and internationally (a possible example of a de facto national license plate).


New York Yankees specialty plate issued by Pennsylvania

One example of a specialty license plate was a plate issued in 1987 by the state of Florida to commemorate the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster. Proceeds benefit the Astronauts Memorial Foundation, and funded the construction and maintenance of the Space Mirror Memorial at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex in Merritt Island, Florida. The current version of the plate, and the second revision since its inception, introduced in 2004, commemorates both Challenger and Columbia. It remained the most popular of all of Florida’s specialty plates until it was overtaken by a plate to support the critically endangered Florida panther. In 2006, it was outsold by a plate for the University of Florida. Florida currently offers 122 specialty plates, but Texas leads the nation in specialty plates with 360 designs followed by Virginia with 340.[68]

There also exist standard-issue specialty plates. For instance, a number of states issued plates recognizing the U.S. Bicentennial in 1976. Several states have also issued plates commemorating milestones in their own state, such as when, in 1998, Alaska celebrated the Centennial of the Klondike Gold Rush with new license plates showing prospectors on the trail to the Yukon. Tennessee commemorated its 1996 bicentennial celebration by issuing standard plates labelled «BicenTENNial» in the place of the state’s name; these plates remained standard issue until 2001, five years after the celebration had ended. States often issue plates with their motto or slogan, such as North Carolina’s «First in Flight» and Ohio’s «Birthplace of Aviation». These are arguably also general commemorative items. By law, all plates issued in Alabama must contain the words «Heart of Dixie» inside a small heart symbol. Over the years, due to sensitivities over the word «Dixie», the symbol (which currently resides in white letters inside a red heart) has been shrunken to the minimum size. In protest, proponents of the «Heart of Dixie» slogan often buy third-party decals with the slogan in much larger text, placing them over the current «Stars Fell On» slogan at the top of the plates.[69]

New Jersey offers an optional «animal friendly» license plate. The second generation of this plate was first issued in 2001 and features characters from the comic strip Mutts by Patrick McDonnell. A portion of the revenue from the plates goes to the New Jersey State Department of Health’s Animal Population Control Program.[70] Some states where stock car racing is popular issue special NASCAR-themed plates; a NASCAR fan can purchase a plate with the name and car number of his or her favorite driver, along with the state-issued alphanumeric sequence. Here, a portion of the extra cost goes to NASCAR as compensation for licensing its trademarks. States offering NASCAR plates featuring designs for different drivers are Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and West Virginia; Florida issues one NASCAR-themed plate.

In Indiana, a pilot program allows large fleet vehicle operators to customize an Indiana license plate specific to their organization. The United Parcel Service is the first such fleet operator to take advantage of this offering.[71] This kind of specialty plate can only be purchased by the owner of the fleet and is not considered a general issue plate.

Because of the ubiquitousness of license plates, special plates – or even regular ones – can raise controversy. The state of Colorado, in recognition of the Columbine High School massacre, released a license plate with the picture of the eponymous state flower, the Columbine, with the words «Respect Life.» Some people complained that they felt the «Respect Life» saying was intended to be an anti-abortion message.[72] Sometimes even ordinary plates can spark controversy. For instance, George Maynard did not like the state motto on his New Hampshire license plate, «Live free or die», because he and his wife felt it repugnant to their beliefs as Jehovah’s Witnesses and chose to cover it with tape. He was prosecuted and convicted for defacing a license plate. The United States Supreme Court ruled in Wooley v. Maynard, 430 U.S. 705 (1977), that since one is compelled to have a license plate on one’s vehicle, they are permitted not to have to show a message from the state to which they have a moral objection, and overturned his conviction.


Sample version of Ohio’s DUI plate mandated on DUI offenders with limited driving rights

In New Jersey, people convicted of drunk driving can be banned from using vanity plates. In Ohio, convicted drunk drivers are mandated to drive with “Party Plates”, special red-on-yellow license plates in exchange for limited driving privileges such as work. In Georgia and Minnesota, drunk drivers may be ordered to display a plate with a special numbering system indicating restricted driving privileges. These are referred to as «Whiskey Plates» in Minnesota.[73]

Confederate States–affinity plates[edit]

Nine U.S. states have issued commemorative or affinity license plates for the Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV) as a result of a national campaign for approval of plates commemorating the Confederate States. Starting in the late 1990s, the SCV took various states to court and each time won the right to issue plates and include their Confederate Battle Flag–based logo on the basis it was a free speech issue.[74] However, the 2015 Supreme Court decision Walker v. Texas Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans allowed states to remove the Confederate flag from plates finding that the plates were speech by the state. The use of the Confederate Battle Flag and other Confederate symbols on the plates has stirred controversy, but Jay Barringer, commander of the Maryland Division of Sons of Confederate Veterans, has said «We’re trying to divest ourselves of the negative associations» with the Confederate flag.[74] In some states revenues are shared with the SCV organization.

  • Alabama: Sons of Confederate Veterans Commemorative License Plate (2013–current)[75][76]
  • Georgia: Sons of Confederate Veterans Commemorative License Plate (2014–current)[76] The plate was condemned as racist by critics.[77][78] In 2015 the state suspended sales after the South Carolina church shooting but resumed sales after a redesign removed a Confederate Battle Flag from across the background, but left the small flag in the SCV logo.[79][80]
  • Louisiana: Sons of Confederate Veterans Commemorative License Plate. (1999–current) Prior to 2016 between zero and 14 plates were issued each year. In fiscal 2016, 61 plates were issued after it became an election issue.[81]
  • Maryland: Sons of Confederate Veterans Commemorative License Plate (????–current) 18 years after a court decision finding the plates were protected as free speech, in November 2015 Maryland recalled the plates with the Confederate Battle flag and replaced them with a version without the offending flag, following the US Supreme Court ruling in Walker v. Texas Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans[82][83] There were 178 plates in 2015.[84]
  • Mississippi: Sons of Confederate Veterans Commemorative License Plate (2003–current) featuring the Confederate Battle Flag in the organization logo[85][76] Revised in 2011 for the 150th anniversary of the Civil War. A proposal to put General Forrest on the plates created controversy.[86]
  • North Carolina: Sons of Confederate Veterans Commemorative License Plate (1998–2021)[87][76][88]
  • South Carolina: Sons of Confederate Veterans Commemorative License Plate (????–current) a 2015 report found that 1,020 plates generated about $20,000 every two years for SCV under a revenue sharing deal with the state.[84]
  • Tennessee:
    • Sons of Confederate Veterans Commemorative License Plate (1999–current)[89] In 2015 a little over 3,000 plates showed the SCV logo.[90]
  • Virginia:
    • Robert E. Lee Commemorative License Plate (????–current) which gives his birth and death dates and the words «Southern Gentleman»
    • Sons of Confederate Veterans Commemorative License Plate (????–current).[91] In 2015 the state banned plates with the Confederate Battle Flag, following a federal court ruling.[83] There were 1,677 SCV plates in 2015 and no revenue sharing arrangement with the SCV.[84]
  • Texas: refused to issue SCV plates in 2011,[74] which the SCV took to the US Supreme Court, and lost in June 2015. Texas then banned plates with the Confederate Battle Flag.[83] The organization vowed to continue fighting for the issuance of plates by submitting alternative designs.[92]

Professional and governmental plates[edit]

Department-specific examples[edit]

US Government license plate

In the United States, all states issue some special sort of license plate for vehicles which are owned by state and local governments. For the most part, the plates are similar to the regular passenger plates, except with a separate numbering sequence and/or with a message such as «government», «official», «state owned», «municipal», or «exempt» (from registration fees) replacing the slogan.

The federal government issues plates for vehicles it owns, with a few exceptions. Vehicles owned by a branch of the U.S. military may have a license plate issued by that branch of the military, although some utility vehicles will have no license plate at all, only an identification number applied directly to the body. The United States Postal Service adopts the same practice, especially for its delivery trucks. Vehicles owned by the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) will have plates issued by the GSA in standard format. U.S. Government plates starting with «P» are USPS vehicles.

State-specific examples[edit]

Many states issue license plates to members of certain professions who require some sort of special privileges, such as parking or going behind police lines. Examples include plates for members of the press, doctors, nurses, EMTs, paramedics, volunteer firemen, judges, medical examiners, and elected officials.[93]

License plate of the Louisiana Department of Wildlife & Fisheries — Enforcement Division

Some states use a distinctive color scheme to differentiate the plates from the regular issue. For example, in Virginia, state government license plates use the format «12-345S» and have a light blue background, while local government license plates use the format «123-456L» and have a tan background. The standard issue has a white background and a different numbering scheme. In Vermont, municipal government plates have a red background instead of the usual green background; State Police plates are green with yellow lettering instead of white, matching the color scheme of VSP patrol vehicles. Other state owned vehicles use brown with white lettering.

In Florida, government vehicles have a black-on-yellow scheme.

California Exempt plate

California diamond Exempt plate

California octagon Exempt plate

Old California government plates have the letter «E» inside of either an octagon or a diamond, which are no longer issued, but still valid. Old government vehicles will either have a diamond or octagon before 6 random digits while newer government vehicles say ¨CA EXEMPT» at the top of the license plate in red instead of the regular ¨California¨ in red cursive and will have seven random digits, beginning with the number «1».[94]

In Colorado, government vehicles affix a «GVT» code vertically before the plate number.

Governmental vehicles in North Carolina are issued permanent black-on-yellow (state-owned) or black-on-orange/aluminum (all other governmental) license plates, however vehicles belonging to the State Highway Patrol are sometimes registered with normal passenger car plates or with special vanity plates (with stamped years instead of stickers) similar to normal plates, with the prefix SHP before a unique number (i.e. SHP1234). Government vehicles with black-on-orange/aluminum are the police (including sheriff and undercover police vehicles), school buses, public transportation buses, postal services, and county vehicles.

Government vehicles in South Carolina are issued a permanent white plate with black text, or formerly a permanent off-white plate containing the state seal inside the state outline with blue text. They are prefixed or sometimes suffixed by SG, RG, CG or MG for state-government, regional level government, county government, or municipal government respectively by a series of numbers. Examples include SG12345 or 56789SG. Vehicles belonging to the South Carolina Highway Patrol have plates that contain the logo of the highway patrol and prefix HP. For example HP1234 A similar format is also given to plates on South Carolina State Transport Police Division vehicles. For example STP1234

Pennsylvania issues a white on blue (blue on white on earlier plates, some still in use) plate for state-owned vehicles (PA prefix/suffix which carry the OFFICIAL USE legend), municipal (MG prefix or suffix) and vehicles that are owned by Penn State, which carry the STATE UNIVERSITY legend. State-owned and Penn State-owned vehicles are also issued front plates, as are press photographers, however, the press photographer plates are issued on the standard base and carry a PP prefix inside a large keystone.

Georgia GOVT license plate used on a county vehicle, the «COUNTY» in the debossed section can be changed over.

Government vehicles in Georgia are issued a plate in the standard design but a numbering series prefixed by «GV» and a decal on the left side of the plate indicating what type of government the plate is issued to (authority, (school) board, city, county, or state), before that, vehicles were issued just numbers with the type of service the vehicle was used for and GOVT running horizontal beside the number[95] and shown at right for reference. For example, plates can be formatted as GV12345, GV1234A, or formerly GOVT/12345 and GOVT/123456. Also, Georgia State Patrol vehicles have special-issue plates they are required to display on both the front and rear of the vehicle – most other vehicles in Georgia only have rear plates – that have an image of the GSP’s patch and the trooper’s badge number.

Most Washington State Patrol vehicles use the same format as passenger cars, with the exception that the letters are all «WSP». For example: 123 WSP. The format «1234 SP» may also be seen on WSP vehicles but not as common. In this format only the numbers change, with the SP (State Patrol) designation remaining constant.

The District of Columbia issues special license plates to vehicles owned by the DC government and the District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority. While ambulances and other support vehicles of the District of Columbia Fire Department have special red and white plates, fire engines are not issued license plates. Vehicles belonging to the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority display standard DC license plates appropriate to the class of vehicle, with special validation stickers. The transit authority police cars are issued ordinary District of Columbia passenger license plates, but the authority replaces them with self-issued number plates indicating the vehicle is with the transit police.

In Honolulu, Hawaii, the license plates on TheBus matches the fleet number of the bus they are assigned to, using a BUS-123 format. Similarly, the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority in Boston, Massachusetts, places license plates on their buses featuring the agency’s logo (a «T» inside a circle) followed by the bus number.

In Hawaii, state owned government vehicles use license plates that begin with State then letter and number, EX: State A175, however older state owned vehicles use just numbers, EX: State 8743.

Government vehicle license plate used in Ohio

Government vehicle

State vehicle license plate used in Ohio

State vehicle

Ohio’s government-owned vehicles use red on white plates with the legend «City», «County», and «Government» with a special format of ABC123, and they use the legend «State Vehicle» with the format 12 3456. Just like in New York, Police vehicles are not issued license plates.

Michigan uses a unique «123X456″ format for municipal vehicles (including municipal transit buses, public school buses owned and operated by the school district, and police vehicles), «123G456″ for «in-transit repair» vehicles, «12D345″ for dealer vehicles, «123M456″ for vehicles owned by manufacturers of cars, «123T456″ for transporter vehicles[96] and «123Y456″ for vehicles owned by non-profit agencies, such as church buses, buses of private schools, and chapters of the American Red Cross. Michigan State Police plates have the State Police shield on the left side, followed by a four-digit fleet number. The first two digits of this fleet number indicate the State Police post number where the vehicle is assigned. County sheriff plates follow the 12*345 format (the asterisk representing a six-pointed star), but feature a black background and white letters; the left two digits represent the number of the county in alphabetical order. Vehicles owned by the State of Michigan can also have a plate using the format of «MSG 1234» (where MSG stands for Michigan State Government) or a plate with the format of «X12345» with the caption «STATE GOVT» under.[96]

In New York State, local police vehicles are not issued license plates. In some cases, such as New York City, the fleet number of the vehicle is put on a flat license plate using heat transferred letters. In Yonkers, there is a special plate that appears similar to the specialized optional plates with the Yonkers Police logo and the fleet number. Other communities in the state have a license plate that looks like the regular issue vanity plate, but with the word «POLICE» on it. New York formerly indicated rental cars with the sequence beginning with «Z», but that apparently encouraged targeting by car thieves.[97]

In Tennessee, state owned vehicles are given a green plate with white lettering in the S0A000 format with Gov’t Service on the bottom of the plate and locally owned vehicles are given a white plate with black lettering with Gov’t Service on the bottom in the 0000-AA format. Tennessee Highway Patrol cars are issued a green plate (usually placed in the trunk) and have displayed a gold plate with the officer’s district number assigned to it [98]

Alabama issues plates with either 00000 CO (county) CM 000 (county motorcycle), 0000 PUD (public utility) MM 000 (municipal motorcycle) or 00000 MU (municipal) plates on a blue background with black lettering and state owned vehicles get a white plate with black lettering and the S0000A format, SM00 (state motorcycle) or SMP 000 (state pool) [99]

Delaware uses plates that start with S for state owned vehicles and CY for county owned vehicles. Older versions spelled out State Owned or County Owned but have largely disappeared from use. Fire trucks get a white plate with red numbers starting with EV. Police cars get standard number plates however the registration sticker is slightly different (in the days of color coded stickers, the color patterns were inverted for police cars). Both regular and police vehicles owned by the Delaware River and Bay Authority (a joint agency with New Jersey) use standard Delaware license plates for most vehicles in both states.

In Indiana. Police vehicles will have a white license plate with a badge to the left with “POLICE” written at the bottom. Municipality owned vehicles will have a blue plate with “MUNICIPAL” written at the bottom. These plates along with some trailers do not expire. In some examples, Government owned or police civilian cars will have a standard passenger plate but will not have an expiration date or sticker in the top corners. Tractor-Trailers can order a company specific license plate with the company’s name at the bottom or a logo on the left hand side.

General registration license plates[edit]

Many states issue special plates to automobile dealers, auto repair shops, farms, and construction contractors, which are not tied to any particular vehicle. These users typically have many more vehicles on the premises than on the public streets, and it would not be practical to register and insure each individual vehicle. As a result, they hold a number of «floating» registrations that enable them to legally drive multiple vehicles on the public streets. States typically have rules about who is eligible and how the plates may be used, and may impose record keeping and audit requirements.

In every state, auto dealers are allowed to place a special dealer registration plate on a vehicle that the dealer is holding for sale or resale. Most states do not allow the use of dealer plates on vehicles that have already been sold. Most states allow dealer plates to be used only by a dealership owner, officer, or employee, or by a customer who is test driving an automobile. Most states do not allow dealer plates to be used by anyone who is not affiliated with the dealership. In addition, dealer plates are not allowed to be used as a way to avoid payment of sales tax on the purchase of a vehicle.[100]

Diplomatic license plates[edit]

Diplomatic license plates are issued by the United States Department of State to accredited diplomats. This is an exception to the general rule in the U.S. that license plates are issued by states, and not the federal government. However, prior to the 1980s, diplomatic plates were issued by states, with New York issuing the most, followed by the District of Columbia.

Until 2007,[citation needed] plates issued to cars based in the District of Columbia followed the pattern of a letter identifying the status of the owner, followed by the two-letter country code, followed by a four-digit number (S LL NNNN). For member countries of the Organization of American States (OAS), a subset of that numbering pattern is allotted to vehicles based at those countries’ missions to the OAS. Plates issued to cars based at the United Nations in New York City are reversed, with the four-digit number first, followed by the two-letter country code, followed by the status code (NNNN LL S). This is because representatives of certain countries are limited to travel to certain radii from their base, and the system allows the city of assignment to be identified easily.

The status codes used until 2007 were «C» for foreign consul; «D» for diplomat; «S» for non-diplomatic staff; and «A» for a UN employee. The status code indicates the type of diplomatic, consular, or other immunity enjoyed by the vehicle’s registrant.[citation needed] The country codes are unique to each particular country, but do not correlate to ISO Country Codes or other standards format. For example, in the old system used until 2007, France is «DJ» not «F» and Australia is «XZ» not «AUS». This is to prevent the general public from targeting diplomats from particular countries.[101] Diplomatic license plates are made in Virginia, so they use similar dies to those on that state’s license plates.[102]

Certain U.S. states issue honorary consul plates to U.S. citizens who have been appointed to that office and perform consular functions on a part-time basis.

For a list of serial formats of diplomatic plates, see the article about United States license plate designs and serial formats.

  • U.S. diplomatic license plate of the style issued until 2007

    U.S. diplomatic license plate of the style issued until 2007

  • U.S. diplomatic license plate with surface-printed serial

    U.S. diplomatic license plate with surface-printed serial

  • U.S. diplomatic license plate of the style issued since 2007, using same die set used on Virginia plates

    U.S. diplomatic license plate of the style issued since 2007, using same die set used on Virginia plates

Explanatory notes[edit]

  1. ^ For example, «California Vehicle Code section 5200». Archived from the original on April 29, 2007. Retrieved May 5, 2007. requires that when two license plates are issued, one shall be displayed on the front of the vehicle and the other on the rear. «Section 11713.17». Archived from the original on April 30, 2007. Retrieved May 5, 2007. makes it illegal to sell a new car without a front license plate mounting bracket (unless the buyer is expressly warned about the legal requirement and acknowledges the warning in writing).


  1. ^ a b c d e Bossier, Didier (2006). «Chapter 14: Examination of Vehicle License Plates». In Stauffer, Eric; Bonfanti, Monica S. (eds.). Forensic Investigation of Stolen-Recovered and Other Crime-Related Vehicles. Amsterdam: Elsevier. pp. 367–388. ISBN 9780080477886. Retrieved January 25, 2022.
  2. ^ «Tribal/Indian bands license plates». wisconsindot.gov.
  3. ^ a b c d e f Bossier, Didier (2006). «Chapter 14: Examination of Vehicle License Plates». In Stauffer, Eric; Bonfanti, Monica S. (eds.). Forensic Investigation of Stolen-Recovered and Other Crime-Related Vehicles. Amsterdam: Elsevier. pp. 367–388. ISBN 9780080477886. Retrieved January 25, 2022.
  4. ^ «Annex 4. Distinguishing Sign of Vehicles in International Traffic». www.adcidl.com.
  5. ^ Baker, Mike; Berens, Michael J. (December 15, 2014). «Why license plates have cost us so much». The Seattle Times. Retrieved July 29, 2023.
  6. ^ «DMV». Scdmvonline.com. Archived from the original on August 23, 2007. Retrieved August 17, 2007.
  7. ^ «License Plates 1969–Present». 15q.net.
  8. ^ Dornan, Geoff. «Nevada DMV opening new license plate plant in Carson City». www.nevadaappeal.com. Archived from the original on August 10, 2020. Retrieved December 28, 2020.
  9. ^ Bizjak, Tony (May 28, 2018). «California debuts ‘digital’ license plates. Here’s what they’ll cost you». The Sacramento Bee. ISSN 0890-5738. Retrieved May 30, 2018.
  10. ^ «Motorcycle License Plate Dimensions». Web Bike World. July 9, 2009. Retrieved November 10, 2020.
  11. ^ «House Bill 844 (2008 Regular Session)» (PDF). Maryland General Assembly. State of Maryland. Retrieved November 10, 2020.
  12. ^ a b «U.S. vs DION M. LEE-SPEIGHT». ecf.ksd.uscourts.gov.
  13. ^ «Why license plates have cost us so much». projects.seattletimes.com. December 15, 2014.
  14. ^ «NCDMV to begin issuing single license plate sticker registrations». www.wral.com. May 26, 2015.
  15. ^ «Miscellaneous Topics». dcplates.net.
  16. ^ «DMV». Ct.gov. Archived from the original on July 18, 2010.
  17. ^ «Registration Stickers». PennDOT Driver & Vehicle Services.
  18. ^ «Nevada Revised Statutes 482.103 «Resident» defined». www.dmvnv.com. Retrieved February 28, 2017.
  19. ^ «Non-Resident Motor Vehicle Registration». www.dmv.nebraska.gov. Retrieved February 28, 2017.
  20. ^ «Registration-Compliance Violators». www.azdot.gov. Retrieved February 28, 2017.
  21. ^ «Motor Vehicle – Alabama Department of Revenue» (PDF). revenue.alabama.gov. Archived from the original (PDF) on February 19, 2017. Retrieved February 28, 2017.
  22. ^ «Registration Requirements». www.plattecountywyoming.com. Archived from the original on November 15, 2018. Retrieved February 28, 2017.
  23. ^ «Tax / Registration Exemption For». Archived from the original on March 1, 2017. Retrieved February 28, 2017.
  24. ^ «ROSA (Registration of Out-of-State Automobiles) | dmv». dmv.dc.gov.
  25. ^ «Definition of New York State Resident». dmv.ny.gov. November 22, 2013. Retrieved February 28, 2017.
  26. ^ «Transfer of Plates-AAA Digest of Motor Laws». AAA Digest of Motor Laws. Archived from the original on August 8, 2018. Retrieved July 29, 2016.
  27. ^ «New License Plates Available». georgia.gov. Archived from the original on March 1, 2017. Retrieved February 28, 2017.
  28. ^ «Replacement plates – Requirements». app.leg.wa.gov.
  29. ^ Hornacek, Robert (September 20, 2018). «FOX 11 Investigates: Deteriorating license plates». WLUK.
  30. ^ Boyle, John (June 7, 2019). «Answer Man: License plates were blue, then red, then blue? Chevy guy ‘guarantees’ what?». Asheville Citizen-Times. Retrieved June 7, 2019.
  31. ^ «Official license plates». Wisconsindot.gov.
  32. ^ «Titling and Registration FAQs». Dor.mo.gov.
  33. ^ «Occupational License Plates». Archived from the original on February 23, 2018.
  34. ^ «Guam Y2K». www.plateshack.com.
  35. ^ «Pennsylvania Code». www.pacode.com. Retrieved May 16, 2016.
  36. ^ «Is Texas a Two-Plate State? The Answer to Whether You Need a Front and Rear License Plate in Texas. – Fort Worth Criminal Defense Attorneys (#1 in Reviews) DWI Lawyers, Federal Criminal Defense Attorneys». Fort Worth Criminal Defense Attorneys (#1 in Reviews) DWI Lawyers, Federal Criminal Defense Attorneys. August 17, 2014. Retrieved May 16, 2016.
  37. ^ «General Law – Part I, Title XIV, Chapter 90, Section 6». malegislature.gov. Retrieved July 21, 2021. Every motor vehicle or trailer registered under this chapter when operated in or on any way in this commonwealth shall have its register number displayed conspicuously thereon by the number plates furnished by the registrar […] one number plate to be attached at the front and one at the rear of said motor vehicle, and one number plate to be attached at the rear of said trailer, but if the registrar issues but one number plate it shall be attached to the rear of the vehicle so that it shall always be plainly visible.
  38. ^ «Dropping Front Plate Requirement Could Save Mass. $2M». April 27, 2017. Retrieved July 21, 2021.
  39. ^ «License Plate Display». Nevada DMV – Department of Motor Vehicles. Retrieved August 25, 2014.
  40. ^ «Nevada is a two-license plate state – but not always». NevadaReviewJournal. Archived from the original on March 1, 2017. Retrieved February 28, 2017.
  41. ^ «Wyoming Bill to Provide Single License Plate Signed Into Law». SEMA. Archived from the original on August 12, 2020. Retrieved January 18, 2016.
  42. ^ «Nebraska Bill to Provide Single License Plate For Certain Vehicles Signed Into Law». SEMA. Archived from the original on March 1, 2017. Retrieved February 28, 2017.
  43. ^ «Montana adopts single license plate law». Old Cars Weekly.
  44. ^ «Special License Plates». South Dakota Dept of Revenue. Retrieved August 15, 2017.
  45. ^ «Iowa House approves exemptions for front license plates». Des Moines Register. Retrieved May 16, 2016.
  46. ^ «Iowa Legislature – BillBook». Iowa Legislative Services Agency. Retrieved May 16, 2016.
  47. ^ «Ohio lawmakers pass 10.5-cent gas tax hike, eliminate front license plates». Cincinnati Enquirer. Retrieved April 3, 2019.
  48. ^ Shilling, Erik (April 23, 2019). «You will soon no longer need a front license plate in Ohio for the first time in decades». Jalopnik.com. Retrieved August 30, 2019.
  49. ^ «Alaska State Legislature».
  50. ^ Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles
  51. ^ «URSOVAIN: Va. has most vanity plates». NBC News. November 12, 2007.
  52. ^ Mikkelson, Barbara and David P. (October 22, 2009). «Licensed to Bill». snopes.com. Snopes. Retrieved June 21, 2012.
  53. ^ Stone, Zara. «Gen at Medium – SHTHPNS: The Never-Ending Free Speech Fight Over Vanity License Plates». Gen.
  54. ^ «New Hampshire Woman Can Keep Her ‘PB4WEGO’ Vanity Plate». Reason.com. August 30, 2019. Retrieved November 2, 2019.
  55. ^ «License Plates at Auction: Still a Wild Market in Delaware». Archived from the original on September 5, 2008. Retrieved August 5, 2008.
  56. ^ «Delaware couple pays $325K for tag No. 14». Retrieved September 30, 2016.
  57. ^ a b c «Welcome To Delaware, Home Of The $410,000 License Plate». NPR.org. Retrieved February 23, 2020.
  58. ^ «The $675,000 License Plate». www.cbsnews.com. April 4, 2008. Retrieved February 23, 2020.
  59. ^ Jagtiani, Sarika. «Low-digit Delaware tag 20 goes for six digits at Rehoboth auction». delawareonline. Retrieved February 23, 2020.
  60. ^ Irazabal, Jordan. «The Delaware 3000». TheDelaware3000.org. Retrieved November 25, 2014.
  61. ^ «Plates: Overview». State of Rhode Island Division of Motor Vehicles. RI Division of Motor Vehicles. Retrieved November 24, 2014.
  62. ^ «It’s a Numbers Game». Washington Post. September 18, 2005. Retrieved February 23, 2020.
  63. ^ Meyer, Michelle (March 9, 2003). «Low-digit plates at all-time low». nwitimes.com. Retrieved February 23, 2020.
  64. ^ «31-3-39». webserver.rilin.state.ri.us.
  65. ^ «LA Rev Stat § 47:491 :: RS 47:491 – Legislative findings :: 2011 Louisiana Laws :: US Codes and Statutes :: US Law :: Justia». Justia Law.
  66. ^ «49-405 Radio Amateurs – Special License Plates. :: Chapter 4 Motor Vehicle Registration :: Title 49 Motor Vehicles :: 2010 Idaho Code :: Idaho Code :: US Codes and Statutes :: US Law :: Justia». Justia Law.
  67. ^ Texas Amateur Radio Operator License Plate application form & notes Archived July 18, 2011, at the Wayback Machine (Open the application form PDF at bottom of the page)
  68. ^ «Florida, the license plate state: Will it offer ones for Bulldogs and War Eagles?».
  69. ^ «55». Archived from the original on May 9, 2008. Retrieved August 1, 2008.
  70. ^ «Animal friendly». New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission. State of New Jersey. Archived from the original on March 11, 2014. Retrieved March 10, 2014.
  71. ^ «The Cargo Letter [400th Edition] April 2004». Archived from the original on September 30, 2007. Retrieved April 10, 2007.
  72. ^ «Issue of Columbine License Plate Sparks Abortion Protest», Rocky Mountain News, April 9, 2001, Pg. B7
  73. ^ «Whiskey plates a reminder not to drink and drive». The Gazette. June 19, 2013.
  74. ^ a b c Latshaw, Greg (May 9, 2011). «Confederate group fights for state specialty plates». USA Today. Retrieved August 20, 2017.
  75. ^ «Sons of Confederate Veterans». alabama.gov. Archived from the original on August 24, 2017. Retrieved August 26, 2017.
  76. ^ a b c d Scheller, Alissa (June 23, 2015). «9 States Allow Confederate Flags On Their License Plates… But That May Change». Huffington Post. Retrieved August 18, 2017.
  77. ^ Omarzu, Tim (February 20, 2014). «Georgia’s new Confederate tag stirs emotions». Chattanooga Times Free Press. Retrieved August 26, 2017.
  78. ^ Schneider, Craig (February 18, 2014). «New Confederate license plate brings skirmishes». The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. ISSN 1539-7459. Retrieved August 26, 2017.
  79. ^ Begley, Sarah (September 25, 2015). «Georgia Will Keep Confederate Flag License Plates – With a Redesign». Time. Retrieved August 20, 2017.
  80. ^ «Confederate License Plates OK in Georgia Again». U.S. News. September 28, 2015. Archived from the original on August 19, 2017. Retrieved August 20, 2017.
  81. ^ Litten, Kevin (May 26, 2017). «Confederate license plate requests quadrupled in Louisiana last year: OMV». nola.com | The Times-Picayune. ISSN 1055-3053. Retrieved August 26, 2017.
  82. ^ Campbell, Colin. «With injunction lifted, Maryland to recall Confederate license plates». baltimoresun.com. Archived from the original on August 24, 2017. Retrieved August 26, 2017.
  83. ^ a b c Britto, Brittany (November 13, 2015). «Despite looming Confederate plate recall, flag enthusiast remains dedicated». Capital News Service. University of Maryland Philip Merrill College of Journalism. Retrieved August 20, 2017.
  84. ^ a b c «Confederate license tags in cross hairs, but not in South Carolina». politico.com. June 23, 2015. Retrieved August 26, 2017.
  85. ^ «Available License Plates». Dor.ms.gov.
  86. ^ «Proposed Mississippi License Plate Would Honor Early KKK Leader». Fox News. February 10, 2011.
  87. ^ «Quick anger, little action on Confederate plates in NC». wral.com. September 3, 2015. Retrieved August 26, 2017.
  88. ^ Gresko, Jennifer (June 12, 2023). «Supreme Court declines to review North Carolina’s decision to nix license plates with Confederate flag». PBS Newshour. Associated Press. Retrieved June 17, 2023.
  89. ^ «Tennessee history, preservation and educational artifacts, April 99 News Archives». www.tennesseehistory.com. Archived from the original on February 10, 2012. Retrieved August 26, 2017.
  90. ^ .wreg.com/2016/03/15/lawmakers-discuss-removing-confederate-flag-from-license-plates/amp/
  91. ^ Mathis-Lilley, Ben; Stahl, Jeremy; Wang, Amy X. (June 24, 2015). «A Long List of Other Ways Southern States Officially Endorse the Confederacy». Slate. Retrieved August 26, 2017.
  92. ^ Blanchard, Bobby (June 30, 2015). «Sons of Confederate Veterans will push for new license plate». The Dallas Morning News. Retrieved August 20, 2017.
  93. ^ «NYS DMV – Custom Plates – Professions». Archived from the original on February 8, 2006. Retrieved February 21, 2006.
  94. ^ «Placas especiales». Archived from the original on September 20, 2015.
  95. ^ «Sheriff TransAm». transamcountry.com. Retrieved February 2, 2023.
  96. ^ a b «Michigan 2». www.plateshack.com. Archived from the original on December 3, 2013. Retrieved November 17, 2013.
  97. ^ «TRAVEL ADVISORY; New York Acts On Rental Cars». The New York Times. June 13, 1993.
  98. ^ «Tennessee :: State Trooper Plates». www.statetrooperplates.com.
  99. ^ «Government License Plates» (PDF). Retrieved February 2, 2023.
  100. ^ Johnson, Delus. «Legal Use of Dealer License Plates». Dealer Training.org. Dallas, TX: Automobile Dealer Training Association. Retrieved September 4, 2021.
  101. ^ «Two-Letter Codes of OFM Diplomatic Plates». Dcplates.net.
  102. ^ Luxner, Larry (June 11, 2021). «A license to collect: Unraveling the obscure history of diplomatic plates». Washington Diplomat. Retrieved April 11, 2022.

External links[edit]

  • U.S. License Plate Reference Guide 2019 at the Wayback Machine (archived 7 July 2020)


отличаются от привычных европейских или российских как своими размерами, так и своим дизайном.

На самой табличке помимо номера пишется название штата и надпись, которая может быть либо слоганом (неким девизом штата, вот, например, Округ Колумбия поместил на номер фразу: «Taxation without representation» — » налогообложения без представительства», чтобы подчеркнуть отсутствие представителя округа в Конгрессе Соединенных Штатов) или ссылкой на официальный сайт штата.

К тому же, у каждого штата свой индивидуальный дизайн номерного знака.

Первым официальным городом, который в 1901 году ввёл номерные знаки, стал Нью-Йорк (автомобили обозначались с помощью инициалов автовладельцев, после 1903 года настала эра знаков с комбинациями цифр. Цифр в номере можно было использовать не больше 8).

Затем эта тенденция распространилась на другие штаты, но за неимением чуткого руководства, ограничивающего и определяющего внешний вид номеров, регистрационный знак изготавливался самим владельцем автомобиля по своему усмотрению. Это могли быть кожаные, фарфоровые, резиновые и просто нарисованные таблички, обычно двух контрастных цветов.

Номерной знак Калифорнии, 1960 года.

В настоящее время регистрация автомобилей перешла в руки власти и стала платной, но творческий подход и креатив американцев никуда не улетучился, и до сих пор с помощью оформления номерных знаков можно многое узнать о личности владельца.

Креативные автовладельцы могут заказать номер с изображением пейзажа родного города, эмблемы любимой бейсбольной команды, фото культовой личности или собственную фотографию.

Речь об индивидуальных номерах — vanity plates. Их можно выбрать на сайте департамента транспорта, ввести данные уже зарегистрированного автомобиля и после оплаты получить таблички по почте. При этом оплачивается само изготовление и доставка (около $50–120). Желающих тратить такие деньги не очень много, потому с индивидуальными номерами зарегистрировано менее 4% автопарка страны.

В 1956 году Правительства Америки и Канады пришли к соглашению с Ассоциацией Производителей Автомобилей, договорившись о фиксированном стандарте размера номеров для всех типов пассажирского легкового транспорта, установив их размер на уровне 6 дюймов в высоту и 12 дюймов в ширину, хотя на практике эти цифры могут незначительно отличаться от регламента.

В Северной Америке только Сен-Пьер и Микело не приняли эти стандарты.

В некоторых Северо-Западных территориях (Канада) и в Нувануте номера сделаны в форме полярного медведя, их общий размер а также посадочные отверстия полностью совпадают со стандартом.

Для мотоциклов, мопедов, некоторых типов прицепов и строительной техники делают знаки меньшего размера.

Номер, изготовленный нашей компанией.

В прошлом, многие американские и канадские номера подлежали замене каждый год, напротив, в настоящее время в общей практике вместо замены всего номера, на номер или на ветровое клеятся специальные стикеры, которые стоят около $75, отображающие что регистрация транспортного средства действительна на текущий момент.

Каждый год надо приходить в местное ГАИ и обновлять лицензию на свой знак.
Этот нехитрый прием позволяет ловко собирать все просроченные и неуплаченные штрафы: если за тобой что-нибудь числится, то пока не уплатишь — номеров не получишь.

Стикер наклеивается на угол номера, в противоположном углу расположены месяц и год истечения номера. Цвет стикеров меняется ежегодно, чтобы упростить опознание недействительных номеров полицией.

Помимо номера, на машине еще должен был талон техосмотра. Наконец, на зеркало заднего вида вешается разрешение на парковку (parking permit). Эти разрешения, собственно, печатаются именно в таком формате, чтобы их было удобно вешать вот таким образом.

Временные и транзитные номера

Автомобиль, купленный у дилера всегда будет иметь временную регистрацию с соответствующими номерными знаками.

Это делается для удобства перемещения машины к месту эксплуатации. Времянка будет висеть на авто до тех пор пока местный филиал DMV не обработает информацию о покупке и не выдаст вам постоянные номера.

Временные и транзитные знаки бывают:

-бумажными, картонными, пластиковыми, которые следует заменить постоянными через 15, 30 или 45 дней;
-стандартными металлическими с временной наклейкой, в этом случае вам будет выдан новый стикер;
-в виде бланка или наклейки на лобовое стекло.

Также на знаках встречается специальный символ «инвалид».

Инвалиды в Америке везде пользуются приоритетом. Для них всегда размечены самые лучшие (близкие ко входу) места на парковках, причем разметка предусматривает широкую заштрихованную зону, где паркинг запрещен — предполагается, что это позволит подъехать к машине на коляске

При постановке машин вплотную (как у нас это практикуется), проехать на коляске между ними невозможно. Здесь этот момент продуман. В сочетании с высоким уровнем социального осознания, забота об инвалидах реально работает.

Здесь никому в голову не придет занять место на парковке, размеченное для инвалида! Даже если все остальные места заняты, инвалидная зона останется свободной. Говорят, высокие штрафы очень способствуют такому поведению.

Удивительно, но в Америке не во всех штатах обязательна установка двух номеров. В некоторых штатах обязательна установка только заднего номера, в некоторых обоих. Каждый штат имеет свое законодательство на это счет. На данный момент в 19 штатах разрешено использование только одного номера.

Кстати, американские номера производятся не какими-то специальными фирмами, а простыми заключёнными на специальных конвейерах, оборудованных в месте отбывания срока. Поэтому тюрьмы называют «фабриками номерных знаков», а выражение «начать делать номера» означает получить реальный срок.

Тема американских номеров очень обширная и незатронутыми остались многие моменты, если у вас есть что добавить -будем благодарны!

Ниже приведены изображения номеров для разных штатов.

Таблички ,фон и даже лозунги периодически менялись и меняются до сих пор,например,сейчас идет обсуждение оставить ли на номерах Южной Каролины просто дерево или добавить  к нему луну со звездами (вполне серьезно я)

Начнем с самого севера и будем двигаться на юг.

Итак, 50 штатов и  такие таблички:

Аляска  и 2 типа ,на певом лозунг 

The Last Frontier (Последняя граница) ,на втором золотодобытчики идут на работу или с нее :))


WA ( штат Вашингтон) ,MT(Монтана),  ND (Северная Дакота),   MN (Минессота),   WI (Висконсин)   MI   (Мичиган)

Вечнозеленый Вашингтон 

Монтана,где большое небо :) Кстати, «вживую» не видела ни разу этот номер.

Северная Дакота -штат мирных садов и приключений,особенно судя по бычку :))) Я,кстати,раньше путалась и думала,что мало того,что полно штатов,так и  … то северная,то южная,то Вашингтон вовсе не там ,где столица.Оказалось все просто Северной и Южной могут быть только Дакота и Каролина,а там ,где столица — ДиСи ,а там где Вашингтон,там Сиэтл %)


10.000 озерная Миннесота

Такой домашний,с домиком с трубой и обязательно коровкой, и домашними сливочками,да маслом -Висконсин

И Мичиган,табличка у которого мне наименее симпатична,хоть там и Великие озера и все такое

Дальше идут мои любимые Новоанглийские штаты и еже с ними

NY ( тут понятно вроде),VT (Вермонт),NH (Нью-Хэмпшир) МЕ ( Мэн) , МА ( Массачесец) RI (РодАйсленд) СТ (Коннектикут)

New York


Вермонт ,который я тоже не видела лично,но утверждают,что это штат Зеленой горы

Около нашего дома стоит машина с номерами НьюХэмпшира,вот думаю пожать руку жителям того штата за очень ёмкий лозунг.Подписываюсь под ним полностью . Живи свободно или умри!!!

Мэн-штат где происходит обычно действие книг Стивена Кинг,приглашает Вас провести там каникулы или отпуск :)) Мило так..

Массачусец — дух Америки -это крайне интересно,кстати ,надо съездить и понюхать:)))

РодАйсленд -штат и океан,океанский штат

И Коннектикут,куда я хотела уехать сначала,перед тем,как надумала приехать в СК, штат,где строго соблюдают и чтут Конституцию :))

Дальше на Запад 

NJ (НьюДжерси)  ,DE (Дэлавер),MD( Мерилэнд) , DC (ДиСи) — Маленькие,но очень симпатичные штаты

Джерси -штат садов

Дэлавер- Первый штат. Который образовался,как штат в США


И столица Америки  Вашингтон,ДиСи » Н

алогообложение без представительства» .Об образовании этой фразы и еще о многом интересном можно узнаь вот тут   http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%92%D0%BE%D0%B9%D0%BD%D0%B0_%D0%B7%D0%B0_%D0%BD%D0%B5%D0%B7%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%B8%D0%BC%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D1%8C_%D0%A1%D0%A8%D0%90

Едем дальше :))

PA (Пенсильвания) WV (Западная Вирджиния) , ОН (Огайо) КУ (Кентукки) , IN ( Индиана ) IL ( Иллинойс ), IA (Айова), МО ( Миссури),NE (Небраска),  KS  (Канзас) ,  SD (Южная Дакота) , WY (Вайоминг) , СО (Колорадо) , UT ( Юта), ID ( Айдахо), NV (Невада) ,  OR (Орегон)

Пенсильвания- штат краеугольного камня,но на знаке этого не пишут,а за подробной инфой к ним на сайт отсылают :)

Западная Вирджиния  —  дикая и чудесная

Огайо ,там живет мой дядя и еще  гнездо авиации

Кентуки — это штат,куда отсылаются документы об иммиграции-точно знаю !!! :)) Очень дружелюбный штат и такое солнышко классное :))


Иллинойс- земля Линкольна

Айова…Я так и не разглядела что нарисовано на картинке

Миссури- покажи мне



Канзас,между прочим,штат пшеницы

Небраска и журавли летят на закате….

Южная Дакота сговорилась с Южной Каролиной и сделала лозунг «Великие люди,великие места»..А может просто кто-то у кого-то сплогиатил??

Вайоминг — штат равенства
Мне ооочень нравится ихний ковбойчик :))

Колорадо — штат Скалистых гор и ,вообще,там  ооочень красиво!!

Соседняя Юта почему-то называется Улей-штат,а на картинке другое совсем

Айдахо знаменит картошкой,например,как в России Тамбов :)))

Невада — пустыня, серебрянный штат .Кстати,Вы заметили,что чем южнее,тем картинки красивее и красочнее на табличках??

И Орегон .

Дальше на нашем пути Вы увидите  СА (Калифорния), AZ (Аризона), NM (Нью-Мехико), TX (Техас), ОК ( Оклахома), AR (Арканзас), LA( Луизиана),TN ( Теннесси) , MS (Миссисиппи), AL (Алабама),GA (Джорджия) NC & SC (Северная и Южная Каролина) VA( Вирджиния) и FL (Флорида)….Оставайтесь с нами :))

Калифорния ,которая Золотой штат,но с достаточно простой табличкой

Аризона-это там,где Гранд Каньон

Нью Мехико — Земля очарования .Кстати,тоже не видела ни разу вживую

Техас ….Ой,не могу,идет такой в ночи,под звездами на коняшке..Романтика..Усюсю.Даже шатл поместили сверху..Хьюстон,я -Даллас,ответьте!!!..Мне очень нрав этот номер

Оклахома- родина настоящих коренных американце,в  данном случае ,имеется ввиду индейцев 


Луизиана-рай для спортсменов.Я,честно,не втыкаю в эту фразу,но знаю еще,что там Бритни Спирс родилась…Гыыыы :)))

Миссиссиппи -штат ,где растут магнолии

Алабама со звездочками

Теннеси,родина Элвиса  и добровольцев ( на номере этом плохо видно надпись вверху)

Джорджия- штат персиковых деревьев,персиков  и просто очень классный штат :))

Южная Каролина — «Улыбающиеся лица,Красивые места»- не видела,но очень хочется верить,что это правда

Вирджиния,почти родная.Много таких номеров катается у нас в СК

Флорида- солнечный штат с апельсинами :)

И,наконец-то,мой любимый ,мой родной штат Северная Каролина с самолетиком :))

А почему первый ? Потому что  17 декабря 1903 года братья Райт совершили первый полет на пилотируемом  моторном аэроплане «Флайер-1». Дальность первого полета  была равна 37 метров. Аппарат пробыл в воздухе 12 секунд. В тот же день уже аэроплан продержался в воздухе 59 секунд и преодолел 260 метров.

В следующие два года продолжали совершенствовать конструкцию своего аэроплана и совершили более 200 полётов. 22 мая 1906 получили патент на своё изобретение.

This article needs to be updated. Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. (June 2022)

In the United States, the appearance of license plates is frequently chosen to contain symbols, colors, or slogans associated with the issuing jurisdiction, which are the 50 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, the five inhabited U.S. territories, and Native American tribes, each of which independently registers motor vehicles. Regular-issue license plates for passenger vehicles typically have six or seven characters, with vanity plates having up to eight characters in a few states.

Trends in serial formats[edit]

Visualization of the number of characters in license plate serial formats in the United States, based on current serial formats for passenger plates as of May 2021. The arrangement of the characters may vary.

  Random coding: Plates issued based on available numbers in non-sequential order.

  Coded issuance: Plates coded by month of expiration

  Coded issuance: Plates coded by county of issuance

  Sequential issuance: 6-character plate (1 letter, 5 digits)

  Sequential issuance: 6-character plate (2 letters, 4 digits)

  Sequential issuance: 6-character plate (3 letters, 3 digits)

  Sequential issuance: 6-character plate (4 letters, 2 digits)

  Sequential issuance: 6-character plate (based on blocks of alphanumeric combinations)

  Sequential issuance: 7-character plate (7 digits)

  Sequential issuance: 7-character plate (2 letters, 5 digits)

  Sequential issuance: 7-character plate (3 letters, 4 digits)


  • Only the current passenger standard-issue serial format is depicted. Previous serial formats and optional issues are not depicted.
  • Florida uses six-character serial numbers, but the combinations vary. The most common issue consists of four letters and two digits, but alternate standard issues contain four digits and two letters.
  • Maine uses a varying number of digits, but most Maine plates consist of four digits and two letters.
  • Nebraska uses sequential-issuance three-letter, three-number plates for its most populous counties and county-coded plates for the rest of the counties consisting of 1 or 2 letters and up to 5 numbers.
  • Nevada issues three letter and three number plates vehicles sold through dealers that require a new plate.
  • Tennessee issues three number and four letter plates for the «In God We Trust» plate.
  • Indiana plates are randomly issued with combinations of 3 numbers and either 1, 2, or 3 letters, while all «In God We Trust» plates have 3 letters and 3 numbers.

Formats for license plate numbers are consistent within the state. For example, Delaware is able to use six-digit all-numeric serials because of its low population. Several states, particularly those with higher populations, use seven-character formats of three letters and four digits, including 1ABC234 in California and ABC-1234 (with or without a space or dash) in Georgia, Michigan, Mississippi, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin. Other seven-character formats include Connecticut and Illinois, which use AB-12345, and Maryland, which uses 1AB2345.

Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, and New Jersey use four letters and two numbers: Arkansas uses an ABC-12D format, Colorado an ABC-D12 format, Florida a 12A-BCD format, and New Jersey an A12-BCD format. Several less-populous states—Alaska, Hawaii, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina, and Vermont—use a three-letter, three-number format, namely ABC-123 or 123-ABC.

Arizona uses a distinctive format with six characters. Except for the fourth character in each serial, which is always a number, the characters in a serial can be either letters or numbers.[1]

Serial coding[edit]

License plate numbers are usually assigned in ascending order, beginning with a starting point such as AAA-001. Thus, an observer familiar with the sequence can determine roughly when the plate was issued. In a few cases, numbers have been assigned in descending order. For example, when Virginia switched to seven characters for its standard issue in 1993, numbers beginning with AAA-1000 were already in use for extra-cost, optional-issue plates; therefore, the new standard license plates were issued in descending order from ZZZ-9999.[2]

Expiration date[edit]

In some states, the month of expiration or the county of registration is incorporated into the plate’s serial. The last number on a Massachusetts license plate indicates the month the vehicle’s registration expires (for example, 1234 AB would expire in April, the fourth month; 0 indicates October expirations; and X and Y were used for November and December expirations, respectively, on commercial plates and pre-1978 passenger plates). The same applies to the first number or letter on West Virginia plates (1 to 9 for January through September, and O, N, and D for October, November, and December expirations, respectively). Additionally, the first letter of Missouri passenger plates denotes the month of expiration. The month’s position within the calendar year corresponds to the letter’s position within the alphabet; i.e. the letters progress from «A» and «B» for January to «Y» and «Z» for December.

County of issuance[edit]

In Alabama, Montana, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Wyoming, a one- or two-digit number representing the county of issue begins a license plate number. Standard-issue Idaho license plate numbers begin with a single-letter or a number-letter code representing the county of issue; for example, vehicles registered in Ada County start with 1A, vehicles in Twin Falls County start with 2T, and vehicles in Valley County start with V (as there is only one county that starts with the letter V). County codes have been based on historical population figures, the county names in alphabetical order, or some combination thereof. In Montana, for example, the county codes were assigned around 1930 and have not changed since.[3] Other states like Indiana and Tennessee also once used the practice, with Tennessee discontinuing in the 1980s and Indiana in 2008.

Four jurisdictions in the United States use letters to designate a residence where a vehicle was registered. In Hawaii, the license plates have a unique letter designation based on the island counties that residents purchased or registered the vehicles from; a vehicle with a registration number beginning with H or Z is registered in Hawai‘i County, one beginning with K is registered in Kaua‘i County, one beginning with M or L is registered in Maui County, and one beginning with any other letter (and not containing H, K, L, M, or Z) is registered in the City and County of Honolulu. In the U.S. territory of Guam, the license plates use the first two letters that are coded by village of issuance, for example, «TM-1234» refers to a vehicle that was registered by a person who lives the village of Tamuning. In the U.S. Virgin Islands, a vehicle with a registration number beginning with C is registered in St. Croix, J in St. John, and T in St. Thomas.

Several states do require vehicles to display county codes, but these codes are not part of the serial. Indiana and Ohio display two-number county codes, while Kansas plates display two-letter county codes, but these codes are placed on a sticker or are printed in the corner of the plate in a smaller font size. Texas places the county name only on the windshield registration sticker, where the car’s license plate number is also printed. Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Kentucky, Mississippi, Ohio, and Tennessee place the full name of the county of registration explicitly on their standard-issue plates, although not as part of the serial. However, Florida allows its residents to choose either «Sunshine State» or «In God We Trust» in place of the county name, and Georgia allows drivers to choose the slogan «In God We Trust» in place of the county name.

Skipping characters[edit]

For various reasons related to visibility and readability, some states and territories exclude certain letters from use in their license plate serial formats. The most commonly skipped characters are I, O, and Q[citation needed], with some states using only one or two of the three while others will skip all three of these letters[citation needed]. Other states, such as Colorado, Georgia, and South Carolina have gradually adopted one or more of these letters over a course of years after previously skipping them in order to accommodate the demands of population growth and depletion of available serial combinations. The most common argument behind skipping I, O, and Q is that they can be too easily confused with 0, 1, and other characters, particularly when there isn’t adequate spacing or divider between numbers and letters[citation needed].

California only uses I, O, and Q in between two other letters, for example «1AQA000».[citation needed] A unique example of character use is Texas, which skips all vowels along with the letter Q on passenger plates.

In amateur radio license plate issues, some states use a unique slashed zero character in place of the standard «0» character due to lack of spacing between letters and numbers. Iowa is a unique example in the use of this character, which began using the slashed zero beginning in 2012 on all standard passenger plates as opposed to the traditional symbol for zero to differentiate it from the letter «O» which is also used. In Pennsylvania, the die used for the number «0» is different than the one used for the letter «O» since the state’s number dies are taller and narrower than its letter dies.

Persons with disabilities[edit]

In the states, special plates displaying the International Symbol of Accessibility are issued to persons with disabilities that entitle them to special parking privileges. Alternately, a placard, which in some jurisdictions can be hung from the rear view mirror, may be issued; the placard has the advantage of being transferred from vehicle to vehicle.

Current standard-issue passenger plate designs and serial formats[edit]

The following tables give information on license plates currently being issued, with 2014 or later expiration dates, for private (non-commercial) use on passenger vehicles by the governments of the fifty U.S. states, the District of Columbia, the five inhabited U.S. territories, and Native American tribes. Information on serial numbering patterns is also given. Older designs and serial formats previously issued may still be valid for continued usage in certain jurisdictions; these are noted in a separate table below.

In addition to «regular» passenger plates, all jurisdictions also provide plates for other types of vehicles that may only be roughly similar in design and layout. Additionally, there has been an increasing trend in the field of «specialty» plates to promote specific causes or interests. To keep this table as simple as possible, most of these alternate types of plates will not be noted. More information may also be found within the individual articles for each state, as linked within the table. Exceptions to this guideline may be made for specialty plates that are available at no extra cost to the motorist, as these tend to be seen more commonly on the roads.

Current Table Format

Jurisdiction Image First issued Type & slogan Design Plate style Serial format
Alabama January 3, 2022 Standard issue
Heart of Dixie (in small print)
Bay and sky graphic with www.alabama.travel at the bottom Screened serial;
Reflective sheeting
Numerically coded by county:[4]

  • 0AB1234 (single-digit counties)
  • 00AB123 (double-digit counties)[5]
Alaska January 2010[6] Standard issue
The Last Frontier
blue on gold with state flag Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
ABC 123
American Samoa 2011 Standard issue
Motu O Fiafiaga
black on reflective graphic featuring Fatu Rock Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
Arizona 1996 (embossed)
2008 (screened)
Standard issue
Grand Canyon State
dark green on desert landscape Screened serial;
Reflective sheeting
CEA 1DB[a]
Arkansas 2006 Standard issue
The Natural State
black on a diamond background, representing Crater of Diamonds State Park in Murfreesboro[8] Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
ABC 12D[9]
California Mid 2012 Standard issue
dark blue on white with red state name graphic and slogan printed in red at the bottom Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
Colorado 2000 Standard issue Dark green on reflective white gray and green Rocky Mountains scene graphic. Some versions have full color Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
Connecticut 2000 Standard issue
Constitution State
dark blue on blue and white gradient fade Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
AB•12345 (2015–present)
1AB•CD2 (2013–2015)
1ABCD2 (2013)
123•ABC (2000–2013)[11]
Delaware 1969 Standard issue
The First State
gold on navy blue Screened serial;
Reflective sheeting
123456 (variable number of digits)
District of Columbia April 2017 Standard issue
End Taxation without Representation; jurisdiction name displayed as «District of Columbia»
blue on reflective white with red flag separator Screened serial;
Reflective sheeting
2001 Optional issue:
Florida December 2003 Standard issue
myFLORIDA.com with county name[13] or «Sunshine State»
green on reflective white with state map and citrus orange graphic Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
ABC D12 (2009–present)
123 ABC (2006 to 2009)
A12 3BC (2003 to 2009)
October 1, 2008 Optional issue
myFLORIDA.com with «In God We Trust» slogan
123 4AB
Georgia May 2012 Standard issue
Peach State with county name or «In God We Trust» sticker
black on reflective white peach graphic in center Screened serial;
Reflective sheeting
May 2012 Optional issue
GEORGIA with county name or «In God We Trust» sticker
black on reflective white
Guam February 27, 2009 Standard issue
Tano Y Chamorro
black on reflective white with gray latte stone and three red bougainvillea flowers at center[14] Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
Coded by municipality of issuance
AB 1234
Hawaii 1991 Standard issue
Aloha State
black on reflective white with rainbow graphic Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
Coded by county of issuance:

  • ABC 123, where first letter is A-G, J, N, P, or R-Y (City and County of Honolulu)
  • HAB 123/ZAB 123 (Hawai‘i County)
  • KAB 123 (Kaua‘i County)
  • LAB 123/MAB 123 (Maui County)
Idaho 2008 Standard issue
Famous Potatoes
black on reflective white with red gradient and dark blue mountain scene Screened serial;
Reflective sheeting
Coded by county of issuance:

  • A 123456 (variable number of digits following space)
  • 0A 12345 (variable number of digits following space)
  • 0A B1234 (following exhaustion of above format)
  • 0A BC123 (following exhaustion of above format)
  • 0A 1B234 (following exhaustion of above format)
  • 0A 1234B (following exhaustion of above format)
  • 00A 1234 (variable number of digits following space)
Illinois January 1, 2017 Standard issue
Land of Lincoln
Reflective gradient blue-to-white with white Chicago and Springfield skyline and gray Abraham Lincoln graphic at far left; state name screened in black at top Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
AB 12345 (2017–present)
AB1 2345 (2016)[15]
Indiana January 2017 Standard issue
Dark blue serial on reflective country scene graphic featuring a covered bridge; expiration date, year, county number and recycling symbol in corners clockwise from top left
Screened serial;
Reflective sheeting
Optional issue
In God We Trust
black on white with American flag graphic ABC123
Iowa April 2018 Standard issue
black numbers on reflective graphic plate with blue sky, white city skyline, farm and wind turbine, and green grass field; «IOWA» screened in white centered at top; county name screened in black centered at bottom
Screened serial;
Reflective sheeting
ABC 123


April 2007 (Embossed)

August 15, 2018 (Flat)

Standard issue
Black characters on a light blue gradient with state seal graphic as the background, county code sticker on the top left and registration sticker on the top right.
Screened serial;
Reflective sheeting
123 ABC
Kentucky 2020 Standard issue Dark blue on light blue gradient with county name sticker below serial and state outline left of serial Screened serial;
Reflective sheeting
2020 Optional issue
In God We Trust
Louisiana 2005 to 2010; 2013, and 2016 Standard issue
«Sportsman’s Paradise»; black on yellow-pink gradient with pelican graphic in center
Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
ABC 123 (through 2016)
123 ABC (2016–present)
Maine 1999 Standard issue
black on reflective white with a chickadee and pine tassel graphic at left Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
1234 AB (variable number of digits preceding space)
Maryland September 2016 Standard issue
Maryland Proud
Black on reflective white with Maryland flag graphic Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
Massachusetts 1988 Standard issue
The Spirit of America
red on reflective white Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
Coded by month of expiration:

  • 12A 345
  • 1ABC 23
  • 1AB 234
  • 123 AB4
  • 12A B34
  • 1234 AB
  • 123 ABC
Michigan 2013 Standard issue
Pure Michigan
blue on reflective white with blue wave at bottom Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
ABC 1234
2021 Optional issue
Water-Winter Wonderland
Maize on dark blue 1ABC23
2014 Optional issue
The Mackinac Bridge
White to yellow fade and blue with stylized Mackinac Bridge in background with black characters ABC 123
Minnesota June 2009 Standard issue
Explore Minnesota.com, 10,000 Lakes
black on reflective white with lake scene graphic Screened serial;
Reflective sheeting
Numbers and letters switch sides
on a seven year cycle[16]
Mississippi October 2012 Standard issue
«Birthplace of America’s Music»
dark blue on brown background with Mississippi State Seal between the letters and the numbers Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
ABC 1234
Missouri October 15, 2018 Standard issue
dark blue on white with red and dark blue waves, light gray state seal, and dark blue «1821 * 2021» Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
Coded by month of expiration
Montana January 2010 Standard issue
Treasure State
white on blue with white state outline Screened serial;
Reflective sheeting
Coded by county of issuance:

  • 0-12345A (variable number of digits following divider)
  • 00-1234A (variable number of digits following divider)
Optional issues:[17]
replica 1989 Centennial base
replica 1991 «Big Sky» base
replica 2000 base
replica 2006 «Big Sky Country» base
blue on white with gold and maroon graphics ABC123
black on light blue gradient with multicolor state outline Coded by county of issuance:

  • 0-12345A (variable number of digits following divider)
  • 00-1234A (variable number of digits following divider)
black on light blue with blue and tan graphics
black on light blue gradient with multicolor state outline
Native American tribes Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies
Nebraska January 2023 dark blue on reflective white with the «Genius of Creative Energy» mosaic from the Nebraska State Capitol in the background; state name in dark blue at top Screened serial;
Reflective sheeting
ABC 123[18]
Or coded by county of issuance:[19]

  • 0-A1234 (variable number of digits following letter)
  • 0-AB123 (following exhaustion of above format; variable number of digits following letter)
  • 00-A123 (variable number of digits following divider)
  • 00-AB12 (following exhaustion of above format; variable number of digits following divider)
Nevada November 1, 2016 Standard issue
Home Means Nevada
black numbers and state-shaped separator on sky blue plate; stylized multi-colored mountain range at bottom; «NEVADA» screened in black serifed letters centered at top Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
New Hampshire January 1999 Standard issue
Live Free or Die
green on Old Man of the Mountain graphic Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
123 4567 (2000–present)
123 456 (1999)[20]
New Jersey 2007 Standard issue
Garden State
black on yellow gradient fade Screened serial;
Reflective sheeting
D12-ABC (2010–present)[21]
ABC-12D (2007–2010)
New Mexico 1989 Standard issue
Land of Enchantment
red on yellow with turquoise yucca graphics and red Zia sun symbol Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
2010 Standard issue
upper: Land of Enchantment
lower: New Mexico USA
yellow on turquoise with large yellow and red Zia sun symbol ABC-123
New York 2020 Standard issue
dark blue on reflective white with Niagara Falls, Adirondack Mountains, the Statue of Liberty, Manhattan skyline, and the Montauk Point Light on the bottom. Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
North Carolina 1982 Standard issue
First in Flight
blue on reflective white with Wright Flyer graphic Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
ABC-123 (1982–1985)[22]


January 2015 Standard issue
First In Freedom[23]
blue on reflective white Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
July 2019 Standard issue
National/State Motto[24]
blue on reflective white Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
North Dakota November 2016 Standard issue
Legendary; Peace Garden State
black on light blue gradient fade to sunrise with prairie scene and buffalo graphic Screened serial;
Reflective sheeting
123 ABC
Northern Mariana Islands 1989 Standard issue
Hafa Adai
dark blue on white with seal in center Embossed on screened serial;
Reflective sheeting
ABC 123
Ohio 2021 Standard issue
Sunrise in Ohio, county name sticker in black to be centered at bottom
Dark blue serial on sunrise scene featuring a skyline, hills, river, wheat, field and a child swinging from the tree, with Wright Flyer, state shape and read banner with «Birthplace of aviation» at top. Screened serial;
Reflective sheeting
ABC 1234
Oklahoma January 2017 Standard issue
Screened black on reflective blue with state-shaped separator; scissor-tailed flycatcher in the middle, mountains on the left, oceans in the background and Explore above the state name Screened serial;
Reflective sheeting
Oregon 1990 Standard issue
dark blue on Douglas Fir tree and mountain graphic
Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
123 ABC (2004–present)
ABC 123 (1990–2004)
Pennsylvania 2006 Standard issue
blue on white with yellow and blue bars Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
Puerto Rico 2011 Standard issue
Puerto Rico Does It Better/Puerto Rico Lo Hace Mejor
black on white with green gradient at bottom and gray building in background Screened serial;
Reflective sheeting
Rhode Island 1996–2020 Standard issue
Ocean State
dark blue on stylized gray and white ocean wave graphic Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
123456 (2007–present)[25][26]
AB-123 and 12345 (1996–2007)

1AB-234 (2020–present)

2020 Beautiful Rhode Island (top), Ocean State (Bottom) white on dark blue with the Reliance in the upper left corner Screened serial;
Reflective sheeting
South Carolina January 2016 Standard issue
While I Breathe, I Hope.
black on white and blue background with palmetto tree in center Screened serial;
Reflective sheeting
ABC 123
January 2016 Optional issue
In God We Trust
black on white with American and South Carolinian flags on the left. Screened serial;
Reflective sheeting
South Dakota January 2016 Standard issue
Great Faces. Great Places.
blue on Mount Rushmore graphic Screened serial;
Reflective sheeting
Coded by county of issuance:

  • 0A1 234
  • 0AB 123
  • 00A 123
Tennessee January 2022 www.tnvacation.com blue with «The Volunteer State» on the left and the outline of the state around «Tennessee» with county name sticker and the Tri-Star logo in the center Screened serial;
Reflective sheeting
  • ABC 1234
  • 123 ABCD alternate with ‘In God We Trust’ around the Tri-Star logo
Texas July 2012 Standard issue
The Lone Star State
black on white with 5-point star in the upper left corner. Screened serial;
Reflective sheeting
Utah Late 2007 Greatest Snow on Earth and Life Elevated dark blue on skier graphic[27][28] Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
A12 3BC
Life Elevated dark blue on graphic of Delicate Arch A12 3BC[29]
2017 In God We Trust; United We Stand dark blue on white 1A2BC
Vermont 1985 Standard issue
Green Mountain State
white on green with small white tree in top left corner Debossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
ABC 123 (1990–present)
12AB3 (1989)
1AB23 (1988)
123A4 (1986–1987)
1A234 (1985)
U.S. Virgin Islands 2017 Standard issue
Transfer Centennial
white on blue ocean background with orange island maps Screened serial;
Reflective sheeting
Coded by island of issuance:[30]
ABC 123, ABC 123 (for St. John)
Virginia March 1, 2014 Standard issue
Virginia is for Lovers
blue on white Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
Washington July 1998 Standard issue
Evergreen State
dark blue on white with light blue Mount Rainier graphic Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
ABC1234 (2010–present)
123-ABC (1987–2010)
West Virginia July 2023 Standard issue
Wild, Wonderful
blue on white with state name in dark blue bar with state outline as separator Screened serial;
Reflective sheeting
Coded by month of expiration:

  • (1 through 9 for January through September, respectively)
  • (O, N, and D for October, November, and December, respectively)
Wisconsin June 2000 Standard issue
America’s Dairyland
black on reflective white with stylized lake and farm graphic Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
ABC-1234 (2017–present)
123-ABC (2000–2017)
Wyoming January 2016 Standard issue
Screened black numbers and Bucking Horse and Rider on graphic plate featuring the Green River Lakes and Squaretop Mountain against a cloudy blue sky; golden yellow rope border around plate
Screened serial;
Reflective sheeting
Coded by county of issuance:

  • 0-12345 (variable number of digits following divider)
  • 0-1234A (following exhaustion of above format; variable number of digits following divider)
  • 00-12345 (variable number of digits following divider)

Plate types no longer issued but still valid[edit]

Plates with the following designs and serial formats are no longer being issued but may still be valid for use in certain instances. This table does not include year of manufacture registrations.

Jurisdiction Image Dates issued Type Plate style Serial format Status
Alabama early 2007 – October 2013 Optional issue
God Bless America
dark blue on American flag background AB12345
Being replaced upon expiration, October 2013 to October 2014.
Alaska 1981 – late 2004 «The Last Frontier»; blue on gold with state flag Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
ABC 123 Valid.
late 1997 – late 2004 «Gold Rush Centennial» Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
ABC 123
January 2, 2008 – December 31, 2009 «Celebrating Statehood 1959–2009»; dark blue on mountain landscape background Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
American Samoa none
Arizona 1980–1996 white on maroon Embossed serial;
Reflective characters on nonreflective background
ABC-123 Valid.
1996 – late 2007 desert scene with embossed serials Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
2008–2020 desert scene with screened serials Screened serial;
Reflective sheeting
Arkansas none
California 1963–1969 yellow on black Embossed serial;
Non-reflective background
ABC 123 Valid.
1969–1980 yellow on blue Embossed serial;
Non-reflective background
123 ABC
1980 – January 1987 1ABC234
January 1983 – October 1987 «The Golden State» Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
October 1987 – 1995 blue on white with red embossed state name
1995–1998; 2000–2011 blue on white with red screened state name Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
1998–2000 «Sesquicentennial – 150 Years» Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
Colorado 1978–2000 embossed mountain scene Reflective embossed serial;
Non-reflective background
Coded by county of issuance: AB-1234, ABC-123, ABC1234 Valid.
Connecticut none
Delaware white on black up to 12–345 Valid.
silver on black up to 123456
yellow on blue without slogan up to 123456
District of Columbia «A Capital City» 123–456 Valid.
«Celebrate & Discover» 1991 – November 2000 AB-1234 (1997–2000)
123–456 (1991–1997)
2001 blue on reflective white with red flag separator and «WWW.Washingtondc.gov» Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
2001 – July 2013 blue on reflective white with red flag separator and «Taxation without Representation» with jurisdiction name displayed as «Washington, D.C.» Screened serial;
Reflective sheeting
Florida December 2003 – early 2009 green on reflective white with state map, citrus orange graphic, and myFLORIDA.com with county name Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
A12 3BC Being replaced on a ten-year rolling basis.
December 2003 – 2006 green on reflective white with state map, citrus orange graphic, and myFLORIDA.com with «Sunshine State» slogan
Georgia 1997 – December 2003 «…on my mind» 123 ABC
12345 QA
1234 AB
1234 ABC
December 2003 – May 2007 www.GEORGIA.gov ABC 1234
May 2007 – May 2012 GEORGIA.gov ABC 1234
Guam black on reflective white with map graphic in center, «Tano Y Chamorro» Coded by municipality of issuance:

  • ABC1234 (variable number of digits following space)
  • ABC123A (following exhaustion of above format)
Hawaii none
Idaho dark blue on reflective white with red gradient and dark blue mountain scene, «Famous Potatoes» Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
Coded by county of issuance:

  • A 123456 (variable number of digits following space)
  • 0A 12345 (variable number of digits following space)
  • 0A B1234 (following exhaustion of above format)
  • 0A BC123 (following exhaustion of above format)
Illinois July 2001 — December 2016 «Land of Lincoln»: red on blue gradient fade with Abraham Lincoln portrait graphic in center Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
AB1 2345 (2016)
A12 3456 (2006–2016)
123 4567 (2001–2006)[33]
Originally valid for 10 years, but new plates were not issued until January 2017.
Indiana none
Iowa January 1997 — April 2018 Embossed blue, screened blue or screened black serial on reflective white skyline on blue background and black hand drawn farm scene foreground, screened «Iowa» in a small caps serif font and sticker with/or screened county name in uppercase in blue or black as the serial Embossed or screened serial;
Reflective sheeting[34]
123 ABC except for «D» series and beginning of current ABC 123[35] Even though one of the 2017 license plate contestant plates lost the competition, it became a vanity plate, and the 1997 series plate is still valid.
Kansas January 2001 – April 2007 state capitol Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
ABC 123 Valid.
Kentucky none
Louisiana 1993–2001; 2004–2005 «Sportsman’s Paradise» without pelican Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
ABC 123 Valid.
January 2002 — early 2004 «Louisiana Purchase Bicentennial 1803–2003» written in early 18th-century lettering and has the Louisiana Purchase Bicentennial logo as the separator[36] Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
2011–2012 «200 Years» Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
2014 — 2015 www.louisianatourism.com
Bicentennial, Battle of New Orleans, 1815–2015
blue on reflective white with silhouette of Andrew Jackson on horse at left
Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
Maine none
Maryland February 1986 – early 2005 no slogan 1AB C23 (2004–2005)
ABC 123 (1986–2004)
early 2005 – June 2010 www.Maryland.gov
black on reflective white with state crest in center
1AB C23
Massachusetts green on white (coded by month of expiration)
«The Spirit of America» (coded by month of expiration)
Valid. Maybe subject to replacement if found to be illegible during annual motor vehicle safety inspection.
Michigan 1996–2007 Optional issue
«Great Lakes Splendor»
1AB C23[37] Valid
1996 Optional issue
«World’s Motor Capital»
Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
ABC 12
12 ABC
2007–2013 Optional issue
Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
ABC 1234[38] Valid
2007–2021 Optional issue
Spectacular Peninsulas
green and blue with Great Lakes outline on reflective white with black characters 1AB C23
2013–2014 Optional issue
The Mackinac Bridge
yellow to orange fade and blue with stylized Mackinac Bridge in background with white characters.
Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
ABC 123 Valid
Minnesota circa 2000–2008 blue on reflective white with lake scene graphic, «Explore Minnesota; 10,000 lakes»; second slogan displayed in small blue gradient across bottom of plate Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
ABC-123 Being replaced on a seven-year rolling basis.
2008–2009 black on reflective white with lake scene graphic, «Explore Minnesota; 10,000 lakes» Screened serial;
Reflective sheeting
Mississippi none
Missouri none
Montana 2006–2009 black on gray and white gradient with mountain graphic; «Big Sky Country» Screened serial;
Reflective sheeting
Coded by county of issuance:

  • 0C-12345 (variable number of digits following divider)
  • 0C-1234A (following exhaustion of above format; variable number of digits following divider)
  • 0-12345A (variable number of digits following divider)
Valid if permanently registered.
Nebraska none
Nevada white on blue A12345, AB1234, ABC123, 123ABC
New Hampshire none
New Jersey 1959–1969; 1970–1973 black on tan, non-reflective, state abbreviated «N. J.» ABC-123 Valid.
1969–1970 black on tan, reflective, state abbreviated «N. J.» ABC-123
1973–1977 black on tan, non-reflective, state abbreviated «N. J.» 123-ABC
1977–1979 black on tan, non-reflective, full state name 123-ABC
1979–1985 buff on blue, non-reflective 123-ABC
1985 ABC-123
1985–1992 ABC-12D
1992–1993 black on yellow and white gradient, reflective, sticker boxes ABC1234
1993–1999 AB-123D
1999–2007 ABC-12D[39]
New Mexico 1999–2010 Land of Enchantment
hot air balloon
Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
AB 123
New York 2001–2010 dark blue on reflective white with blue bars (upper blue bar has the state name over a skyline of Niagara Falls, the Adirondack Mountains, and New York City; lower bar includes the words «The Empire State» in white) Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
ABC-1234[40] Valid.
2010-2020 dark blue on reflective gold Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
ABC-1234 Valid.
North Carolina 2007–2011 red on reflective white with blue and red graphics, «First in Flight» ABC-1234 Valid.
North Dakota 1993–2015 black on light blue gradient fade with prairie scene graphic, «Discover The Spirit» Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
ABC-123 Valid through 2016
Northern Marianas Islands none
Ohio 1996–1998 dark blue on gold gradient fade «The Heart of it All» ABC 1234 Valid.
1998–2001 dark blue on gold gradient fade «The Birthplace of Aviation» ABC 1234
2001–2003 red, white, and blue «Ohio Bicentennial» AB12CD
2004–2010 dark blue on reflective white with state seal («Sunburst») graphic and red and blue bars ABC 1234
2010–2013 «Beautiful Ohio»: dark blue on rolling hills with farm, distant skyline, and airborne biplane ABC 1234
Oklahoma 2009 — 2016 «Native America»: dark red on white and blue with photograph of Sacred Rain Arrow sculpture Screened serial;
Reflective sheeting
123ABC Valid until expiration.
Oregon 1956–1959 gold on blue 1A-1234 Valid.
1959–1964 gold on blue with «Pacific Wonderland» slogan
1964–1974 gold on blue ABC 123 (AM corresponds to January–December, skipping I)
1974–1988 blue on gold ABC 123 (AM corresponds to January–December, skipping I; N and later series had no month correlation)
1988–1989 blue on light green Douglas Fir tree and mountain graphic ABC 123 (AM corresponds to January–December, skipping I, N-series had no month correlation)
Pennsylvania 1999–2004 blue on blue, white and yellow gradient, «www.state.pa.us» ABC-1234 Valid if retained by current owner on current vehicle. May not be transferred to new vehicle.
Puerto Rico 1986–2007 Standard issue
black on reflective white with Fortaleza graphic, «Isla del Encanto»
Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
ABC 123 valid
Optional issue
black on reflective flag graphics, «Cincuentenario 1952–2002»
Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
ABC 123
2007–2011 Standard issue
black on reflective blue with Fortaleza graphic, «Isla del Encanto»
Screened serial;
Reflective sheeting
ABC 123
Rhode Island none
South Carolina summer 2008 – December 2015 Standard issue

black on orange, white, and blue gradient with palmetto tree in center

Screened serial;
Reflective sheeting
ABC 123
South Dakota none
Tennessee none
Texas 2009–2012 black on Davis Mountains and sky background with a lone star and streaks of red and blue in the upper-left corner Screened serial;
Reflective sheeting
AB1-C234 Valid.
U.S. Virgin Islands none
Utah 1972–1985 black on white Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
ABC 123
1985–2008 blue on white with skier graphic, «Ski Utah!», and «Greatest Snow on Earth» Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
123 ABC
1992–2008 dark blue on Delicate Arch background; «Centennial» Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
123 ABC[29]
2002 2002 Winter Olympics commemorative plate with snowflake logo above «Salt Lake 2002» and the Olympic rings; «Olympic Winter 2002»[41] Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
Vermont none
Virginia 1979–1994 dark blue on white with blue state name in sentence case Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
ABC-1234 (1994)
ABC-123 (1979–1993)
1994 – July 2002; 2007 – February 28, 2014 dark blue on white with blue state name in all capital letters Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
July 2002 – 2006 400th Anniversary Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
2006–2007 Jamestown
America’s 400th Anniversary
Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
Washington none
West Virginia December 2002 – early 2006 blue on reflective white with state name in dark blue bar, «Wild, Wonderful / www.callwv.com» Coded by month of expiration:

  • 0AB 123 (1 through 9 for January through September, respectively)
  • ABC 123 (O, N, and D for October, November, and December, respectively)
Wisconsin none
Wyoming none

Diplomatic license plates[edit]

Diplomatic license plates are issued by the United States Department of State to accredited diplomats.

Prior to 1984 license plates for diplomatic vehicles were provided by the jurisdiction where the foreign mission was located. The District of Columbia provided license plates for missions headquartered in the capital, and New York provided plates for members of the United Nations, etc. Upon passage of the Foreign Missions Act in 1984 registration authority for foreign mission vehicles was centralized with the U.S. Department of State.[43][44][45][46]

From 1984 until August 28, 2007, all plates issued followed the pattern of a letter identifying the status of the owner, followed by the two-letter country code, followed by a random three or four-digit number (S AB 1234). For member countries of the Organization of American States (OAS), a subset of that numbering pattern was allotted to vehicles based at those countries’ missions to the OAS. Plates issued to cars based at the headquarters of the United Nations in New York City were issued in the reverse format, with the three or four-digit number first, followed by the two-letter country code, followed by the status code (1234 AB S).

The location of the status codes, either as the first or last character, allows the city of assignment to be easily identified because representatives of certain countries are limited to travel in a certain radius from their base. The status codes used until 2007 were «C» for Foreign Consul; «D» for Diplomat; «S» for Non-Diplomatic Staff; and «A» for the OAS. Status codes used for U.N. personnel until 2007 were «A» for the U.N. Secretariat; «D» for U.N. missions and diplomatic personnel; and «S» for U.N. Staff. The rights of the driver and car under diplomatic immunity are defined by this status code.

The country codes are unique to each particular country, but do not correlate to ISO Country Codes or other standards format. For example, in the system used until 2007, France is «DJ» rather than «F», and Australia is «XZ» rather than «AUS».

Diplomatic License Plates

Jurisdiction Image Dates issued Type Plate style Serial format Status
U.S. Dept. of State 1984 – December 31, 2008 Standard issue; red, white, and blue background with «DIPLOMAT», «CONSUL» or blank at top, and black serial centered on a white background Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
A AB1234
A 12345
1234AA A
12345 A
U.S. Dept. of State Unknown – December 31, 2008 Standard issue; red, white, and blue background with «DIPLOMAT», «CONSUL» or blank at top, and blue serial centered on a white background Screened serial;
Reflective sheeting
A AB1234
A 12345
1234AA A
12345 A
U.S. Dept. of State August 28, 2007 — Current Standard issue; black serial on sky blue background, concave curved red top with the Dept. of State seal, «DIPLOMAT», «CONSUL» or blank at top center, and Office of Foreign Missions (OFM) logo Embossed serial;
Reflective sheeting
ABC 1234
A 123456
1234 ABC
123456 A
U.S. diplomatic plate country codes
Codes Country or Organization
AA  Congo
AB  Taiwan (Issued with «E» status code)[47][48]
AC  Ivory Coast
AE  Uzbekistan
AF  Japan
AH  Madagascar
AJ  Panama
AK  Cape Verde
AQ  Syria
AU  Uganda
AV  Israel
AW African Union
AX  Marshall Islands
BL  South Africa
BV  Solomon Islands
BW World Bank
BY  Solomon Islands
BZ  Iraq
CB  Cambodia
CC  Ethiopia
CE  Moldova
CG  Marshall Islands
CK  Namibia
CM  Micronesia
CN International Organization
CS  Afghanistan
CT  Bhutan
CU  Botswana
CV  Myanmar (Burma)
CW  Cameroon
CX  Burundi
CY  China
DA  Colombia
DB  Costa Rica
DC  Cuba (UN only)
DD  Cyprus
DF  Dominican Republic
DG  Ecuador
DH  Ivory Coast
DI  South Africa
DJ  France
DK  Greece
DL  India
DM  Iran (UN only)
DN  Denmark
DP  Bangladesh
DR  Slovakia
DZ  Palau
FC  Soviet Union (discontinued)
FF  Antigua & Barbuda
FG  Central African Republic
FH  Ireland
FJ  Lebanon
FK  Kenya
FL  Liberia
FM  Libya
FN  Malta
FP  Morocco
FR  Philippines
FS  Netherlands
FT  Qatar
FV  Sri Lanka
FW   Vatican City
FX  Sierra Leone
FZ  Suriname
GC  Sweden
GD  Ukraine
GE  Azerbaijan
GG  Zambia
GM  Turkey
GN  Turkey
GP  Albania
GQ  North Korea (UN only)
GX  Vanuatu
GY  Chile
HB  Tonga
HD  Argentina
HL  Saint Lucia
HM  Andorra
HN  Mongolia
HV  Belgium
HW  Guatemala
HX  Benin
HY  Guinea-Bissau
HZ  Haiti
JB  Honduras
JC  Kuwait
JD  Mauritius
JF  Nigeria
JG  Portugal
JH  Somalia
JJ  Chad
JK  Turkey
JM Unknown (seen in Friendship Heights in April 2022);  Yugoslavia (discontinued)
JP  Tunisia
JQ  Togo
JS  Slovenia
JT  Croatia
JY  Cyprus
KB  Monaco
KD  Eritrea
KE  Georgia
KG  Equatorial Guinea
KH  Hungary
KJ  Lithuania
KK  Fiji
KL  Jordan
KM  Jamaica
KN  Gabon
KP  Luxembourg
KQ  Israel
KR  Malaysia
KS  Mexico
KT  Namibia
KU  São Tomé and Príncipe
KV  Saudi Arabia
KW  Seychelles
KX  Sudan
LC  Venezuela
LD  Vietnam
LG  Turkey
LH  Israel
LJ  Israel
LK European Economic Communities
LM  Macedonia
LN  Saudi Arabia
LR  Bosnia-Herzegovina
LW  Germany
MF International Monetary Fund
MG  United Kingdom
MK  Djibouti
ML Diego Garcia
MN  Comoros
MP  Bahamas
MW  Maldives
NA  Oman
NB  Papua New Guinea
NC  Paraguay
ND  Romania
NQ  Angola
NX  Malaysia
PA  Austria
PB  Barbados
PC  Belize
PD  United Kingdom
PF  Bolivia
PG  Belarus
PH  Czech Republic
PI  Israel
PK  Norway
PL  Chile
PM  Brunei
PR  Argentina
PS  Zimbabwe
PV  Democratic Republic of the Congo
QA  Yemen
QD  Burkina Faso
QL  St. Kitts & Nevis
QM  Bulgaria
QN  Laos
QP  Latvia
QQ  Lesotho
QR  Malawi
QS  Mozambique
QT  New Zealand
QU  Nicaragua
QV  Niger
QW  Poland
QX  Pakistan
QX  Iran (DC only)
QY  Yemen
QZ  Indonesia
RB  Rwanda
RC  Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
RD  Senegal
RJ   African Union Mission (seen in DC 2017 park outside African Union Mission)
RL  Uruguay
RM Unknown, Seen DC July 2013
RO  Romania
RQ Unknown, Seen DC February 2011
RV  San Marino
SF  Czech Republic
SG  Israel
ST  Dominica
SX  Soviet Union (discontinued)
TC  Mali
TF  Algeria,  Iraq (DC Only)
TG  Canada
TH  Egypt
TJ  Germany
TK  Liechtenstein
TL  El Salvador
TM  Iceland
TN    Nepal
TP  Mauritania
TQ  Mali
TR  Italy
TS  Iraq (UN only)
TT  Guyana
TU  Guinea
TV  Ghana
TW  Gambia
TX  Finland
TY  Grenada
TZ  Peru
UA  Bahrain
UF  Estonia
UH  Spain
UX  Trinidad & Tobago
VF  Thailand
VG  Tanzania
VH   Switzerland
VJ  Brazil
VK  Singapore
VL  Swaziland
VM  Nauru
WB  United Arab Emirates
WD  South Korea
WM  Samoa
WZ  United Kingdom
XA  Bangladesh
XC  Fiji
XD  Myanmar (Burma)
XE  Ghana
XF  Turkey
XG  Norway
XY  Ireland
XZ  Australia
YA  Armenia
YJ  Tajikistan
YK  Kazakhstan
YM  Moldova
YR  Russia
YT  Turkmenistan
YY  Kyrgyzstan
YZ  Azerbaijan

See also[edit]

  • Canadian licence plate designs and serial formats


  1. ^ Character positions A, B, C, D, and E can be either letters or numbers. The letters A–Z then the numbers 0–9 are used in each position.[7]


  1. ^ Randazzo, Ryan. «Arizona has made a subtle but significant change to its license plates. Have you noticed?». The Arizona Republic. Retrieved November 19, 2020.
  2. ^ Current High-Issue License Plates (U.S. and Canada) Archived March 28, 2008, at the Wayback Machine
  3. ^ «MontanaLicensePlatesByCounty». fechter.com. Retrieved February 15, 2021.
  4. ^ «Alabama County Codes». 15q.net. October 3, 2010. Retrieved April 14, 2011.
  5. ^ a b «License Plates». Licenseplates.cc. February 6, 2014. Archived from the original on February 20, 2012. Retrieved February 6, 2014.
  6. ^ Same style also was issued from late 2004 until December 2007.
  7. ^ «License Plates». Licenseplates.cc. October 10, 2010. Archived from the original on July 6, 2011. Retrieved April 14, 2011.
  8. ^ «Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration» (PDF). State.ar.us. Retrieved April 14, 2011.
  9. ^ «License Plates». Licenseplates.cc. October 10, 2010. Archived from the original on July 6, 2011. Retrieved April 14, 2011.
  10. ^ 12345A1 issued to trucks
  11. ^ Plus remakes of serials issued on previous bases: 1234, 12345, 123•456, A•123, AB•123, AB•1234
  12. ^ «District of Columbia: Department of Motor Vehicles – Services – Plates – Taxation without Representation Plates». Dmv.dc.gov. Archived from the original on April 30, 2011. Retrieved April 14, 2011.
  13. ^ except Miami-Dade County
  14. ^ «DRT launches new license plates». Marianas Variety, Guam Edition. Archived from the original on July 13, 2009.
  15. ^ Plus A12 3456, 123 4567, 12 345, 123 456, AB 1234, ABC 123, A12 345 as remakes of serials issued on previous bases.
  16. ^ «License Plates — Standard Plates». Minnesota Driver and Vehicle Services. Minnesota Department of Public Safety. Retrieved May 28, 2021.
  17. ^ «License Plates». Motor Vehicle Division. Montana Department of Justice. Retrieved May 24, 2018.
  18. ^ In Douglas, Lancaster, and Sarpy Counties, Nebraska.
  19. ^ In all other counties, Nebraska.
  20. ^ Plus 1234, 12345, and ABC123 as remakes of serials issued on previous base.
  21. ^ «ALPCA Garden State Region » Blog Archive » New Format Plate Spotted in the Wild!». Alpcagardenstate.org. July 16, 2010. Archived from the original on July 25, 2011. Retrieved April 14, 2011.
  22. ^ Kretschmer, Rick. «Rick Kretschmer’s License Plate Archives | North Carolina Passenger Cars 1975–Present». www.ricksplates.com. Retrieved April 30, 2018.
  23. ^ webmaster. «Official NCDMV: First in Freedom Plate». www.ncdot.gov. Retrieved June 19, 2023.
  24. ^ webmaster. «Official NCDMV: New National/State Motto License Plate Option for Vehicle Owners». www.ncdot.gov. Retrieved June 19, 2023.
  25. ^ «License Plates». Division of Motor Vehicles. State of Rhode Island. Retrieved May 25, 2018.
  26. ^ Landis, Bruce (January 10, 2007). «New License Plates Go By The Numbers». The Providence Journal. p. A.1.
  27. ^ Lisa Riley Roche (January 26, 2007). «New license plates sought: ‘Life Elevated’ would combine with ‘Greatest Snow on Earth’ slogan». Deseret News. Deseret News Publishing Company. Retrieved April 14, 2011.
  28. ^ Medley, Tracy (February 27, 2007). «Utah Gets a New License Plate Slogan: ‘Life Elevated’«. New West. NewWest.Net. Archived from the original on June 6, 2011. Retrieved April 14, 2011.
  29. ^ a b First letter progressing backwards from Z.
  30. ^ C: St. Croix, JA: St. John (because of shortage of population), T: St. Thomas
  31. ^ Progressing forward from VAA-1001.
  32. ^ «License Plates». Licenseplates.cc. October 10, 2010. Archived from the original on July 6, 2011. Retrieved April 14, 2011.
  33. ^ Plus 12 345, 123 456, AB 1234, ABC 123, A12 345 as remakes of serials issued on previous bases.
  34. ^ «Iowa Speciality License Plates». Archived from the original on September 19, 2008. Retrieved September 7, 2010.
  35. ^ «Archived copy». Archived from the original on November 26, 2010. Retrieved September 7, 2010.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  36. ^ Regulation License Plate to Commemorate Louisiana Purchase Bicentennial Archived July 14, 2009, at the Wayback Machine.
  37. ^ A12 34B issued to light trucks.
  38. ^ AB 12345 issued to commercial vehicles.
  39. ^ «Jim Moini’s License Plates». Moini.net. Retrieved April 14, 2011.
  40. ^ Plus ABC-123, 1AB-234, A1B-234, A12-3BC, AB1-23C as remakes of serials issued on previous bases.
  41. ^ «Standard Issue License Plates». Archived from the original on June 29, 2012. Retrieved September 28, 2012.
  42. ^ Progressing backwards from ZZZ-9999.
  43. ^ Luxner, Larry (October 2007). «State Department Unveils New Design for Diplomatic Plates». The Washington Diplomat. Retrieved September 2, 2017.
  44. ^ Nebel, Claude (2007). «New Look for U.S. State Department’s Diplomatic Plates». Police Chief. Alexandria, Virginia: International Association of Chiefs of Police.
  45. ^ Levanthal, Brian (August 28, 2007). «New Diplomatic License Plates Unveiled». U.D. Department of State Archive. U.S. Bureau of Diplomatic Security. Retrieved September 2, 2017.
  46. ^ «Old-v.-New Diplomatic and Consular License Plate Comparison Chart». U.S. Department of State Archive. Office of Foreign Missions, Bureau of Diplomatic Security. June 20, 2007. Retrieved September 2, 2017.
  47. ^ Taiwan’s representatives in the US are given diplomatic license plates (2015/02/25) Archived January 23, 2016, at the Wayback Machine, Formosa News of Formosa Television. Retrieved February 25, 2015.
  48. ^ 駐美代表處 掛上外交車牌, CNA (ROC). Retrieved February 25, 2015.

External links[edit]

  • Website for Automobile License Plate Collectors’ Association
  • License Plates of North America, 1969–Present

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