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Щетка для чистки салона автомобиля
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Цена 141 ₽ руб.
1 шт., мягкая щетка для чистки салона автомобиля, приборная панель, воздуховыпускное отверстие, удаление пыли, домашний офис, детализация, чистые инструменты
- 4.7 / 119
Цена 165 ₽ руб.
Инструмент для чистки салона автомобиля Щетка для чистки воздуховыпускного отверстия кондиционера Автомобильная щетка Щетка для удаления пыли из щелей автомобиля Щетка для артефактов
- 4.8 / 758
Цена 151 ₽ руб.
Щетка для детализации салона автомобиля Инструмент для чистки с мягкой щетиной Удобная ручка без царапин Щетка для чистки автомобиля для выхлопных отверстий Скрытая пыль
- 4.9 / 30
Цена 228 ₽ руб.
Отличная ультрамягкая щетка высокой плотности с крышкой для очистки салона автомобиля для грузовика
- 4.8 / 159
Цена 151 ₽ руб.
Щетка для детализации салона автомобиля Инструмент для чистки с мягкой щетиной Удобная ручка без царапин Щетка для чистки автомобиля для выхлопных отверстий Скрытая пыль
- 5.0 / 3
Цена 205 ₽ руб.
Щетка для чистки салона автомобиля Wcar Detailing Инструменты для чистки мягкой щетины для автомобиля
- 5.0 / 1
Цена 275 ₽ руб.
Новый набор щеток для мытья окон автомобиля, инструмент для мытья лобового стекла внутри салона, автомобильный стеклоочиститель с длинной ручкой, автомобильные аксессуары
- 4.6 / 224
Цена 124 ₽ руб.
Щётка для чистки воздуховод автомобиля, компьютерной клавиатуры
- 4.6 / 8 000+
- Хит продаж
Цена 159 ₽ руб.
Щетки для детализации автомобиля, мягкая щетка для интерьера, мягкая щетка для волос, изогнутый дизайн, щетки для очистки пыли, коллекторы для
- 5.0 / 1
Цена 447 ₽ руб.
5 шт. маленькая щетка для мойки автомобиля для чистки салона автомобиля и кондиционера — детальный инструмент с щеткой для чистки воздуховыпускного отверстия — губки
- 4.7 / 7
Цена 404 ₽ руб.
Автомобильный кондиционер, щетка для чистки воздуховыпускного отверстия автомобиля, инструмент для чистки салона, щетка для удаления пыли, щетка
- 4.7 / 95
Цена 482 ₽ руб.
Перчатки для мойки автомобиля, двусторонние перчатки из синели, плюшевые тряпки, принадлежности для автомобиля, инструменты для чистки, автоаксессуары, детализация автомобиля
Цена 512 ₽ руб.
Щетка для чистки автомобильного ремня безопасности, автомобильный безопасный инструмент для мытья ремней, двухсторонняя U-образная щетка для салона автомобиля, аксессуары для чистки салона
- 5.0 / 3
Цена 320 ₽ руб.
1 шт., набор щеток для чистки лобового стекла автомобиля с длинной ручкой — простой в использовании инструмент для протирки для очистки и защиты лобового стекла
- 4.8 / 8
Цена 352 ₽ руб.
Щетка для детализации автомобиля, супермягкая щетка для деталей салона автомобиля с синтетической щетиной, аксессуары для щеток для приборной панели автомобиля
- 4.9 / 10
Цена 238 ₽ руб.
Щетки для полной детализации автомобиля, автомобильная щетка с мягкими волосами для очистки колесных вентиляционных отверстий автомобиля, чистка деталей автомобиля
- 4.8 / 22
Цена 342 ₽ руб.
5 шт./компл. мягкая щетка для чистки колес автомобиля, щетка для чистки пыли и грязи, набор кистей для детализации автомобиля
- 4.6 / 715
Цена 569 ₽ руб.
3 шт., щетка для детализации автомобиля, супермягкая щетка для деталей салона автомобиля с синтетической щетиной, аксессуары для щеток для тряпки для приборной панели автомобиля
- 4.8 / 9
Цена 161 ₽ руб.
1 шт., автомобильный кондиционер, чистящая щетка для удаления пыли, жалюзи, клавиатура, аксессуары для интерьера автомобиля
Цена 488 ₽ руб.
Антистатическая щетка из страусиного пера, инструмент для очистки пыли, деревянная ручка
- 4.3 / 13
Цена 1 067 ₽ руб.
9 шт., набор щеток для мойки автомобиля, детали салона автомобиля, чистящая дрель, профессиональный набор для чистки с противоскользящей ручкой
- 4.5 / 17
Цена 396 ₽ руб.
Набор щеток для мытья окон автомобиля, инструмент для мытья лобового стекла внутри салона, автомобильный стеклоочиститель с длинной ручкой, автомобильный дворник
- 4.3 / 3
Цена 460 ₽ руб.
Щетка для чистки воздуховыпускного отверстия автомобиля, маленькая щетка для пыли в салоне автомобиля, артефакт, твердая древесина, мягкие волосы, щетка для пыли, принадлежности для мойки автомобиля
Цена 1 004 ₽ руб.
15/13/14 шт. щетка для детализации автомобиля, щетки для химической чистки салона автомобиля, наружная чистка, инструменты для чистки автомобиля, автомобильные вентиляционные отверстия, мойка колес
- 4.8 / 13
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Преимущества: Отличный водосгон, брал для стёкол авто, удобной формы,сделан качественно, рабочая поверхность из селикона, хорошо прилегает, цена приемлемая, рекомендую к покупке
Недостатки: Нет
Преимущества: Неплохая по качеству щетка для уборки снега. Щетина мягкая, хорошо доя лакокрасочного покрытия. Удобная ручка , не скользит рука.
Преимущества: Прочная и надежная щетка для очистки автомобиля. Щетина пушистая, сметает снег начисто. Скребок из прочнейшей пластмассы, без усилий отдирает лед со стекол. Яркий сигнальный цвет.
Недостатки: Нет
Комментарий: Рекомендую
- Types and purpose
- What to look for when choosing a soft brush for cars
- Bristles
- A pen
- Budget car brushes
- Average price segment
- Premium brushes
- How to soften a car brush
Brushes with soft bristles for car washing are produced in various configurations. In order not to scratch the machine and not to spoil the cleaning equipment, you need to use it strictly for its intended purpose. The choice of brushes in a certain price segment depends only on individual capabilities.
To keep the body paint and leather in the cabin intact while cleaning the car, it is important to use specialized cleaning equipment. Varieties of soft brushes for washing a car in a large assortment are needed just to ensure an individual approach to the processing of each detail.
Types and purpose
Brushes are distinguished by many features, the main of which is the purpose:
- Cleaning hard-to-reach places: narrow openings, dashboard, seams and seat folds. Such brushes look like paint brushes, they are rectangular or rounded in different sizes. They clean leather, plastic, fabrics in the car interior, remove dirt around the emblem and other small parts on the body.
- Cleaning spoked wheels and engine parts. The brush looks like a ruff.
- Body wash — brushes made of synthetic materials. Most of them are equipped with a telescopic handle. Some models can be put on a hose with water supply.
- Glass washing — a soft brush is used to wash the car in the form of a sponge. The working surface is made of foam rubber.
- Cleaning corners — use brushes with a bend. It can be fixed or breakable. In the second case, the platform, colliding with the corner, folds, repeating its shape.
- Snow cleaning. Apply brushes made from natural materials of animal and vegetable origin, as well as synthetics. Some models are available in a dual configuration — immediately with an ice scraper. Extended functionality is a base with a rotation of 3600 and a telescopic handle.
Types of brushes for car washing
They also produce universal brushes that will not scratch either in the cabin or on the body. They are made of microfiber, wash any surface.
Models are made classic and in the form of gloves. Brushes that are worn on hands do not remove dirt, but only polish already cleaned surfaces to a shine.
What to look for when choosing a soft brush for cars
A soft brush for washing a car should be suitable for specific tasks. An important role in this is played by the size of the fibers and the handle, as well as the materials used in their manufacture.
Pile is made from natural and synthetic materials:
- Boar wool is valued for its softness and large size. The length of the pile reaches 8 cm. This is optimal for cleaning surfaces inside the cabin. Boar pile is durable, will not scratch the skin of the car, but does not retain moisture well.
- Horse hair — loses a little to the previous one in softness. Designed for sweeping dust from leather surfaces, panels. When choosing, keep in mind that the hair from the mane is softer than from the tail. Sometimes they are mixed. Manufacturers of luxury detailing accessories indicate this information. Horsehair tangles quickly and is affected by acids and alkalis.
- Tampico is a fiber derived from a South American plant, the agave lechuguilla. Making car wash brushes from this soft raw material is a promising direction. New for the Russian market, the material absorbs moisture well, is resistant to temperature extremes and chemicals. Now they are almost non-existent for sale. The fiber has a polishing effect due to the natural content of the abrasive substance — calcium oxalate. Suitable for cleaning upholstery and carpets. Removes ingrained dirt. Produced in various degrees of hardness.
- Artificial materials — microfiber, polypropylene, polyester, nylon, as well as their combinations. By themselves, synthetic threads are quite rigid and do not absorb water well. The price of branded models in which these shortcomings are eliminated is as high as for analogues from boar hair. Nylon threads easily fight mold, are resistant to chemicals and abrasion.
Car wash brushes
Natural pile tends to crumble after the first application. When choosing a brush, focus on the length of the villi. It can exceed 5 cm if the equipment is needed to clean the interior and / or body of the car from dirt.
For snow removal, it is important that the bristles are soft, but small — up to 5 cm long.
Manufacturers advertise models of car wash brushes that don’t scratch because they have fluffy tips. In practice, this does not give the desired effect. Soft pile, not even fluffy, and so does not harm the paintwork. It is necessary to evaluate the quality of the bristle, based on the degree of its rigidity and length.
A pen
Brushes can be used for hose nozzles. Then on the handle there will be a special hole for water supply. Some models are equipped with a snow scraper. When buying them, pay attention to the material: plastic or polycarbonate. The second one lasts longer.
Plastic in the heat must bend, otherwise it will break in the cold.
Telescopic handles are useless when cleaning the interior, but are needed when cleaning the body. For work in winter, choose a handle covered with insulation, such as foam rubber. This light porous material will not freeze your fingers. An extendable soft brush for washing a car should be wrapped in insulation so that it is convenient to clean without touching the bare parts of the handle.
Budget car brushes
It is difficult to segment really high-quality models into economy and standard classes. It can be conditionally done like this:
- classic models and hose nozzles — 50-500 rubles;
- telescopic or angular — 200-500 rubles;
- tool to wash the engine and wheels — 200-600 rubles.
Automotive brushes
A large difference in price is due to the size, variety of handles, the division of soft pile coatings according to the degree of rigidity.
Prices in the middle class will sometimes coincide with economy models. Budget products are distinguished by a larger platform area, but worse in quality. So, for 200 rubles. you can buy either an economy class model with a platform 10 wide and 30 cm long, or a standard with a base size of 20 × 7 cm.
It is very difficult to find high-quality accessories from the position of detailing for such a price. Every day, a brush for cars with soft bristles leaves the store shelves. In most cases, inventory lasts long enough, works properly, does not leave scratches.
The model range is represented by hundreds of manufacturing companies, such as Autech, Airline, DolleX. All of them are equally popular, as are their products. Indeed, in fact, a rare buyer prefers a particular brand. Within the framework of the same configuration, the models differ only in names.
The behavior of budget brushes is difficult to predict. Some last for years, others break after a few days. This must be considered before buying them.
Average price segment
In the middle segment, classic-style specimens are sold for 200-2000 rubles, telescopic and angular — 700-3000 rubles. The cheapest soft brush for washing a car has a small surface, simple design, and handles for it are made from budget materials.
So, the Polish company SGCB offers a sweep with boar hair for 200 rubles. The length of the cleaning surface is 20, the width is 7 cm, the pile height is 5 cm. The bristles are mounted on an oblong wooden handle — 39 cm. An analogue from the Russian company LERATON is sold for about the same amount. The difference is a slightly shorter handle.
Brushes for cars LERATON
Soft brushes for washing a car made of synthetics cost 300-800 rubles. City UP offers a wide range. Model CA-534 is designed for interior cleaning. She has a voluminous platform, 25×10 cm, and a short handle. The CA-604 model for washing the body by hand is equipped with a fixed handle of 45 cm. The body of such brushes is made of plastic, less often polycarbonate. The telescopic handles are made of metal lined with synthetics.
Almost all microfiber brushes can be conditionally attributed to the middle price segment.
Their price mainly depends on the size and not on the manufacturer or add-ons. Only a few models are distinguished by the fact that a spray bottle of detergent is built into their base. The soft bristled microfiber car brush can be impregnated with an antistatic agent. Across the entire market, the difference in price between similar products hardly exceeds 10%, which makes their segmentation impossible.
Premium brushes
There are not many companies that produce this type of inventory in the premium category. The most famous brands:
- Kärcher;
- Wheel Woolies;
- Chemical Guys;
- Meguiars (the only company in this segment that, in addition to brushes, produces microfiber gloves);
- cooking chemistry;
- Griots Garage.
Brushes for cars MICHELIN
A soft brush for washing a car with a small cleaning surface costs at least 300 rubles. Premium brushes are sold in sets of 500-800 rubles. for 3-5 pcs. depending on the brand. A brush 30-45 cm with natural bristles costs 2000-5000 rubles. One of these models, produced by Koch-Chemie, is estimated at 4500 rubles.
Synthetic materials are not much cheaper. Classic manual brushes can cost 2000-3000, and a rotating nozzle made of nylon threads for a car wash can cost 3000-4000.
The price of premium products is explained by their quality. In this segment, you will not find a brush with a built-in sprayer or with other functions. This is cleaning equipment for detailers. Each model here is designed for specific areas of the machine.
How to soften a car brush
A hardened brush can be softened by prolonged contact with hot water or by soaking in 3% hydrogen peroxide for 5 minutes, followed by rinsing.
Both options are only good in the short term. Already with the next application, the pile will either become even stiffer, or begin to fall out. Therefore, it is better to take a soft brush for washing a car right away.
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You also need to remember that manufacturers cover natural pile and fiber with a special mixture. This enhances their natural characteristics, increases the service life of products, protects against harmful factors. If you soften the bristles with chemistry, you can destroy this barrier. And some types of pile, such as horsehair, generally do not tolerate contact with liquids, even ordinary water.
How to soften a car brush
Brushes with soft bristles for car washing are produced in various configurations. In order not to scratch the machine and not to spoil the cleaning equipment, you need to use it strictly for its intended purpose. The choice of brushes in a certain price segment depends only on individual capabilities.
What brushes to use for car interior cleaning.